Displaying 1051 - 1100 of 1749 publications


  1. Rabesh Kumar Singh, Amit Rai Dixit Anuj Kumar Sharma Arun Kumar Tiwari, Vimal Mandal, Alokesh Pramanik Influence of graphene and multi-walled carbon nanotube additives on tribological behaviour of lubricants, International Journal of Surface Science and Engineering, , , pp. 207-227, 2018. DOI : 10.1504/IJSURFSE.2018.094773 Impact Factor : 1.849
  2. Naveen Kumar Gupta, Arun Kumar Tiwari Subrata Kumar Ghosh Experimental study of thermal performance of nanofluid-filled and nanoparticles-coated mesh wick heat pipes., Journal of Heat Transfer, , , pp. 102403-1-7, 2018. DOI : https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4040348 Impact Factor : 1.479
  3. Anuj Kumar Sharma, Arun Kumar Tiwari Amit Rai Dixit Prediction of temperature distribution over cutting tool with alumina-MWCNT hybrid nanofluid using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis., International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, , , , 2018. DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/s00170-018-1946-5 Impact Factor : 2.750
  4. Vikas Kumar, Arun Kumar Tiwari Subrata Kumar Ghosh Exergy analysis of hybrid nanofluids with optimum concentration in a plate heat exchanger., Materials Research Express, , , , 2018. DOI : https://doi.org/10.1088/2053-1591/aac799 Impact Factor : 1.449
  5. Sujit Kumar Verma, Arun Kumar Tiwari Sandeep Tiwari Durg Singh Chauhan Performance analysis of hybrid nanofluids in flat plate solar collector as an advanced working fluid., Solar Energy, , , pp. 231-241, 2018. DOI : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.solener.2018.04.017 Impact Factor : 4.807
  6. Singh, N., Pant, M. Goel, A ANN embedded data envelopment analysis approach for measuring the efficiency of state boards in India, International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management, Springer, , , , 2018. DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/s13198-018-0743-8
  7. Johari, N., Singh, N. Bone Fracture Detection Using Edge Detection Technique., Soft Computing: Theories and Applications. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer, Singapore, , , pp. 11-19, 2018. DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-10-5699-4_2
  8. Singh, N., Goyal, S. Determination and Segmentation of Brain Tumor Using Threshold Segmentation with Morphological Operations, Soft Computing: Theories and Applications. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer, Singapore, , , pp. 715-726, 2018. DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-10-5699-4_68
  9. Singh, N., Pant, M. Evaluating the efficiency of higher secondary education state boards in India: a DEA-ANN approach, Intelligent Systems Design and Applications. ISDA 2017. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer, Cham, , , pp. 942-951, 2018. DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-76348-4_90
  10. Raj Vikram Singh, Subodh Waria R.K. Singh Harsh Vikram Singh, "Robust Watermarking using Genetic Algorithm in DCT Domain", Int. J. of Engg. & Tech, , , pp. 1202 -1204, 2018.
  11. Piyush Pal, Rahul Dev Dhananjay Singh Amimul Ahsan Energy matrices, exergoeconomic and enviroeconomic analysis of modified multi-wick basin type double slope solar still, Desalination, , , pp. 55-73, 2018. DOI : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.desal.2018.09.006 Impact Factor : 9.9
  12. Nikita Gupta, Seethalekshmi K A review on Key Issues and Challenges in Integration of Distributed Generation System, Proc. 2018 5th IEEE Uttar Pradesh Section International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering , November 2018, , , , 2018.
  13. Kamal Singh, Kuldeep Sahay "Effect of Snubber Circuit for Efficiency Improvement in SEPIC Converter", European Journal of Advances in Engineering and Technology, 2018, 5(3),pp 192--197,March 2018 [ISSN: 2394 - 658X], European Journal of Advances in Engineering and Technology 2394 - 658X], , , pp. 6, 2018.
  14. Kamal Singh, Kuldeep Sahay A Novel Topology for the Enhancement of SEPIC Converter using Snubber Circuit", International Journal of Advances in Engineering & Technology (IJAET), Volume 11 Issue 1, pp. 35-45, February 2018.[ISSN 2231-1963], International Journal of Advances in Engineering & Technology , , , , 2018.
  15. Niranjan Ghule, Prayass Rai Numerical Study of Turbine Blade film cooling Technology, National Conference on Technological Development in Civil and Mechanical Engineering TDCME-2018, , , , 2018.
  16. Kapil Kumar Gupta, Namrata Dhanda Upendra Kumar A Comparative Study of Medical Image Segmentation Techniques for Brain Tumor Detection, 4th International Conference on Computing Communication and Automation , , , , 2018.
  17. Shyam Verma, Devendra Singh Ajay Kumar Sharma EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATIONS ON A SINGLE SLOPE SOLAR STILL, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology , , , pp. 2658-2662, 2018.
  19. Nisha, Saurabh kumar jha Performance Evaluation Space-Time Interest Points Using Branching Particle Filters, IEEE , , , pp. 5, 2018.
  20. Anuj Kumar Sharma, Rabesh Kumar Singh Amit Rai Dixit Arun Kumar Tiwari, Mahip Singh An Investigation on Tool Flank Wear Using Alumina/MoS2 Hybrid Nanofluid in Turning Operation, Advances in Manufacturing Engineering and Materials, , , pp. 213-219, 2018. DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-99353-9_23
  21. S Sharma, AK Tiwari S Tiwari R Prakash Viscosity of hybrid nanofluids: Measurement and comparison., Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Sciences, , , pp. 3614-3623, 2018. DOI : https://doi.org/10.15282/jmes.12.2.2018.8.0320
  22. Amar Deep Sheel, Arun Kumar Tiwari Shailendra Sinha Analysis of Parabolic Trough Solar Collector (PTSC) Using TiO2/Water Nanofluid., International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology, , , pp. 1094–1102, 2018. Impact Factor : 11.22
  23. Deepak Kumar, Arun Kumar Tiwari CFD simulation of plate heat exchanger using hybrid nanofluid., International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology, , , pp. 1411–1418, 2018. Impact Factor : 11.22
  24. Naveen Kumar Gupta, Arun Kumar Tiwari Subrata Kumar Ghosh Experimental investigation of the thermal performance of mesh wick heat pipe., Heat Transfer Research, , , pp. 1793-1811, 2018. DOI : 10.1615/HeatTransRes.2018024361 Impact Factor : 1.155
  25. S. Kidwai, Subodh Wairya Study of QCA based digital logic circuits to be used in nanotechnology, Global Journal of Engineering Science and Researches, , , pp. 289-295, 2018.
  26. Divya Tripathi, Subodh Wairya Performance evaluation of low power Carry save adder for VLSI applications, International Journal of VLSI design & Communication Systems, , , pp. 58, 2018. DOI : 10.5121/vlsic.2018.9305
  27. Raj Vikram Singh, Subodh Waira Rajiv Kumar Singh Harsh Vikram Singh Robust Watermarking using Genetic Algorithm in DCT Domain, International Journal of Engineering and Technology, , , pp. 1202-1204, 2018. DOI : 10.14419/ijet.v7i3.12.17837
  28. Raj Vikram Singh, Subodh Wariya Javed Ahmad Balendu Bhushan Pandey To conceal and secure digital data for intellectual property right in Medical Images using DCT and DWT in Watermarking Technique, 4th International Conference on “Challenges & Opportunities For Technological Innovation In India, , , , 2018.
  29. Ritesh Singh, Neeraj Kumar Misra Subodh Wairya Implementation of Non-restoring Reversible Divider Using a Quantum-Dot Cellular Automata, 4th International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Data Mining, , , , 2018. DOI : 10.1007/978-981-10-8055-5_41
  30. Neeraj Kumar Misra, Bibhash Sen Subodh Wairya Bandan Boi Novel parity preserving reversible Binary-to-BCD code converter with testability of building blocks in quantum circuit, Second International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Informatics, , , , 2018. DOI : 10.1007/978-981-10-8228-3_35
  31. Srivastava, A.K., Kumara, D., Misra, A., Kanawade, V. P., Pathak, V., Tiwari, S., Devara, P.C.S., Aerosol characteristics in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere region during successive and contrasting Indian summer monsoon season, Atmospheric Environment, , , pp. 46-52, 2018. DOI : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2017.11.004 Impact Factor : 4.039
  32. Bipin Singh, Arunima Verma V. K. Giri Performance of PV System for Maximum Power Point Tracking, Asian Power Electronics Journa, , , , 2018.
  33. Deepti Yadav, Arunima Verma Comparative Performance Analysis of PMSM Drive Using MPSO and ACO Techniques, International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive System, , , , 2018.
  34. Deepti Yadav, Arunima Verma Behavior Analysis of PMSM Drive using ANFIS Based PID Speed Controller, 2018 5th IEEE Uttar Pradesh Section International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering, , , , 2018. DOI : 10.1109/UPCON.2018.8596845
  35. Shubhi Agarwal, Dr. Arunima Verma Deepti Yadav Performance Analysis of PMSM Drive Using Ant Colony Optimization, 44th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, , , , 2018.
  36. Manish Gaur and Parul Yadav, Process calculi for intrusion detection system in mobile ad-hoc networks, JCM Journal of Communications, , , pp. 13(635-647), 2018. DOI : 10.12720/jcm.13.11.635-647
  37. Manish Gaur and Parul Yadav, A Behavioural Theory for Intrusion Detection System in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks, Proceedings of 2nd the International Conference on High Performance Compilation, Computing and Communications, , , pp. 51–60, 2018. DOI : 10.1145/3195612.3195617
  38. Manish Gaur and Priyanka Gupta, A Routing Calculus with Distance Vector Routing Updates, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, , , pp. Vol 9(10) 554-564, 2018. DOI : 10.14569/IJACSA.2018.091067
  39. Eram Fatima, Mohd Ashfaq Afrah Nazir Muneeb Hasan Khan; M. Sarosh Umar A Shoulder Surfing Resistant Technique for Login on Mobile Devices, 4th International Conference on Computing Communication and Automation , , , pp. 1-4, 2018. DOI : 10.1109/CCAA.2018.8777590
  40. Mohit Kumar Srivastava, Manoj Kumar Shukla Neelam Srivastava Ashok Kumar Shankhwar PAPR REDUCTION IN ACO-OFDM FOR VISIBLE LIGHT COMMUNICATION SYSTEM, Journal of Engineering Science and Technology , , , pp. 2930-2944, 2018.
  41. Rupali Agrawal, Neelam Srivastava Himanshu Katiyar Analysis of switch and examine combining with post-examining selection in cognitive radio, International Journal of Electronics , , , pp. 941-950, 2018.
  42. Rupali Agrawal, Neelam Srivastava Himanshu Katiyar Theoretical Investigation of Different Diversity Combining Techniques in Cognitive Radio, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, , , , 2018.
  43. Varun Shukla, Neelam Srivastava A secure entity authentication procedure for data communication, International conference on science technology and social humanities, ICSTSH, Dr.BRA University, Agra, , , , , 2018.
  44. Varun Shukla, Neelam Srivastava Peer to Peer Authentication Method for Wireless Communication Using RSA Cryptosystem, IEEE international conference, ESAR-18, Rama university, Kanpur , , , , 2018.
  45. Dixit,S.,Singh, Neelam Srivastava Massive MIMO Communication: The New Paradigm, National Conference on “Technology and Environment for smart India”,S D College of Engineering & Technology Muzaffarnagar , , , , 2018.
  46. Singh, A.K, Neelam Srivastava Saurabh Dixit Internet of Things:Issues and Challenges, National Conference on “Technology and Environment for smart India”,S D College of Engineering & Technology Muzaffarnagar , , , , 2018.
  47. Richa Pathak, Er. Amit Kumar A review of Approximate Adders for Energy Efficient digital signal processing, INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY, , , , 2018. Impact Factor : 7.211
  48. Rakesh Roshan, Seetaram Prajapati Harshita Tiwari Greeshmaja Govind A dual wideband monopole antenna for GSM/UMTS/LTE/WiFi and lower UWB application, 2018 3rd International Conference on Microwave and Photonics , , , , 2018. DOI : 10.1109/ICMAP.2018.8354635
  49. SAMARJIT SINGH, Sankal Shukla, Abhishek Kumar, Dharmendra Singh Influence of Zn dispersion in SiC on electromagnetic wave absorption characteristics, JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, , , pp. 448-460, 2018. DOI : 10.1016/j.jallcom.2017.12.190 Impact Factor : 4.65
  50. SAMARJIT SINGH, Ankur Sinha, Raj Hemant Zunke, Abhishek Kumar, Dharmendra Singh Double layer microwave absorber based on Cu dispersed SiC composites, ADVANCED POWDER TECHNOLOGY, , , pp. 2019-2026, 2018. DOI : 10.1016/j.apt.2018.05.008 Impact Factor : 4.217