IET Lucknow have developed an AI based Chat Bot with works on WhatsApp, The Bot is designed to recognize IET Students and respond to their queries, the bot also responds to Non IET Students i.e general public where it can respond regarding Latest Updates, Admission & general query. The Bot also integrates where other services like Results, Online Complaint System and more. The Bot is in learning stage and learns from queries raises by its users.
Using IET Lucknow Whatsapp BOT
- User can talk to the BOT using WhatsApp No +91-522-2733696
- Students & Staff are authenticated against there Registered Mobile Numbers with the Institute
- Commands Available for Authenticated Users
- hi
- menu
- notice
- support : support <Detailed Complaint in text>
- notice
- In addition to above all other queries are taken by AI Engine.
- The BOT is under continuous development and additional services will also be available soon
- Recently the institute has also implemented authentication for accessing Internet Services in the campus the BOT is also being used to send username & passwords to provide Guest Access to Users.
- All queries of general public are handled by an AI Engine which is on a continued training