सम सेमेस्टर परीक्षा 2024-25 की परीक्षा से संबंधित नियमित / कैरी ओवर परीक्षा के परीक्षा फार्म भरने एवं विस्तारण के सम्बन्ध में |
12-03-2025 |
Result ODD Semester Examination 2024-25 MBA 1st and MBA 3rd Sem |
27-01-2025 |
Result ODD Semester Examination 2024-25 Regular MBA, MCA , MTECH., B.Tech. |
27-01-2025 |
Final Schedule for [B.Tech., MBA , MCA, M.Tech. , Ph.D , Pass-Out batch, Minor Degree] ODD Semester Examination, 2024-25 |
Examinations |
21-12-2024 |
Notice for Tentative Schedule of ODD Semester Exam 2024 -25 ( Practical and Theory Examination ) |
Examinations |
04-12-2024 |
Advertisement for Appointment of Research Assistant (RA) for CST, UP Project (ID: 4378) |
Vacany |
02-12-2024 |
Advertisement for Appointment of Research Assistant (RA) for CST, UP Project (ID: 4410) |
Vacany |
02-12-2024 |
Regular Examination Form Odd Semester 2024-25 |
Examinations |
20-11-2024 |
Passout Examination Form Odd Semester 2024-25 |
Examinations |
20-11-2024 |
विषम सेमेस्टर 2024 -25 की Pass Out Students की कैरी ओवर परीक्षा फॉर्म भरने के सम्बन्ध में |
Examinations |
04-11-2024 |
विषम सेमेस्टर 2024 -25 की परीक्षा से सम्बंधित नियमित / कैरी ओवर परीक्षा फॉर्म भरने के सम्बन्ध में |
04-11-2024 |
Advertisement for Appointment of Senior Research Assistant (SRA) for CST, UP Project (ID-3747) |
Vacany |
19-10-2024 |
Selection of Guest Faculty for Academic Session 2024-25 |
Vacany |
10-10-2024 |
Advertisement for Appointment of Research Assistant (RA) for CST, UP Project (ID: 4204) |
Vacany |
05-10-2024 |
Advertisement for Appointment of Research Assistant (RA) for CST, UP Project (ID: 4378) |
Vacany |
05-10-2024 |
Advertisement for Appointment of Research Assistant (RA) for CST, UP Project (ID: 4410) |
Vacany |
05-10-2024 |
UFM Result of Even Semester Examination, Session 2023-24 |
04-10-2024 |
Selection of Guest Faculty for Academic Session 2024-25 |
Vacany |
24-09-2024 |
Date Extension Notice for Scrutiny of Answer Scripts of Even Semester Theory Examination, 2023-24 |
20-09-2024 |
Notice for Revaluation of Answer Scripts of Even Semester Theory Examination, 2023-24 |
19-09-2024 |
Internal Sliding at Institute Level |
09-09-2024 |
Notice for Scrutiny of Answer Scripts of Even Semester Theory Examination, 2023-24 |
09-09-2024 |
Academic Calendar 2024-25 |
Admissions |
30-08-2024 |
UP State Govt Freeship Card Based Admissions 2024-25 Policy |
Admissions |
29-08-2024 |
Admission Notice for the New Students (Admissions 2024) |
Admissions |
17-08-2024 |
Interview Schedule for eligible Candidates under Self Finance Programmes |
Vacany |
13-08-2024 |
Admission in M.Tech. Programs (2024-25) Spot Counselling Scheduled on 28/08/2024 |
Admissions |
13-08-2024 |
Contractual Faculty Selection in Self Finance Programme Interview Schedule |
Vacany |
07-08-2024 |
Contractual Faculty Selection in Self Finance Programme: Interview Postponed |
Vacany |
07-08-2024 |
Result of Re-Evaluation of Answer Scripts of Odd Semester Theory Examination, 2023-24 |
07-08-2024 |
Selection of Guest Faculty for Academic Session 2024-25 |
Vacany |
03-08-2024 |
Answer Key: Contractual Faculty Exam Aug 02, 2024: Objection to be sent at [email protected] latest by Aug 04, 2024 |
Examinations |
02-08-2024 |
Contractual Faculty Selection in Self Finance Programme, Written Test Schedule |
Vacany |
31-07-2024 |
Contractual Faculty Selection in Self Finance Programme, 2024-2025 Detailed Schedule |
Vacany |
27-07-2024 |
M Tech Admissions for Session 2024-25 (GATE/CUET-PG/Others) Notice for Counselling PHASE-I ROUND-III |
Admissions |
27-07-2024 |
M Tech Admissions for Session 2024-25 (GATE/CUET-PG/Others) Last Date to apply 26 July 2024 |
Admissions |
22-07-2024 |
Notice for candidates M.Tech Counselling 2024-25 Phase-I Round-II Schedued on 18.07.2024 |
Admissions |
10-07-2024 |
Notice for M Tech Counselling PHASE-I ROUND-I (GATE Qualified Candidates) |
Admissions |
08-07-2024 |
Requirement of Contractual Faculty for Self Finance Programs 2024-25 |
Vacany |
05-07-2024 |
Fee Structure 2024-25 |
Admissions |
01-07-2024 |
M Tech Admissions for Session 2024-25 (GATE/CUET-PG/Others) Date Extended upto 01 July 2024 |
Admissions |
20-06-2024 |
Registration for Odd Semester 2024-25 |
Admissions |
12-06-2024 |
Final Schedule for [B.tech (2nd, 4th), MBA 2nd, MCA 2nd, M.Tech 2nd, Pre-Ph.D and Pass-Out batch] EVEN Semester Examination Session 2023-24 |
Examinations |
11-06-2024 |
Tentative Schedule for [B.tech (2nd, 4th), MBA 2nd, MCA 2nd, M.Tech 2nd and Pass-Out batch] EVEN Semester Examination Session 2023-24 |
25-05-2024 |
Final Schedule for [B.tech (6th, 8th), MBA 4th, MCA 4th and Pass-Out batch] EVEN Semester Examination Session 2023-24 |
Examinations |
10-05-2024 |
Tentative Schedule for [B.tech (6th, 8th), MBA 4th, MCA 4th and Pass-Out batch] EVEN Semester Examination Session 2023-24 |
01-05-2024 |
Notice for Scrutiny of Answer Scripts of Odd Semester Theory Examination, 2023-24 |
06-04-2024 |
Notice for Revaluation of Answer Scripts of Odd Semester Theory Examination, 2023-24 |
06-04-2024 |
UFM Result of Odd Semester Examination, Session 2023-24 |
Examinations |
03-04-2024 |
सम सेमेस्टर परीक्षा 2023-24 की परीक्षा से संबंधित नियमित / कैरी ओवर परीक्षा के परीक्षा फार्म भरने के सम्बन्ध में |
Examinations |
03-04-2024 |
Notice for Students of Pass-Out Batches that graduated in 2023 or prior : Filling of Carry Over Examination Form of Even Semester Examination, 2023-24 |
Examinations |
03-04-2024 |
Vacancy Notification : Teaching & Non-Teaching Posts at AKTU, Lucknow, CAS, Lucknow, IET, Lucknow, FOAP, Lucknow & UPID, Noida |
Vacany |
15-03-2024 |
Vacany |
13-02-2024 |
Walk-in Interview for Guest Faculty Position |
Vacany |
06-02-2024 |
Vacany |
01-02-2024 |
Final Schedule for [B.tech (1st, 3rd), MBA 1st, MCA 1st,M.Tech. 1st, Ph.D and Pass-Out(1st, 3rd) batch] ODD Semester Examination Session 2023-24 |
Examinations |
31-01-2024 |
Notice Regarding Revoke of Grace Marks for 1st year and 2nd year Session 2022-23 |
Examinations |
19-01-2024 |
Tentative Schedule for [B.tech (1st, 3rd), MBA 1st, MCA 1st,M.Tech. 1st, Ph.D and Pass-Out(1st, 3rd) batch] ODD Semester Examination Session 2023-24 |
Examinations |
11-01-2024 |
आवास आवंटन हेतु आवेदन पत्र (December 2023) |
22-12-2023 |
Students' Grievance Redressal Committee (SGRC) |
Admissions, Examinations |
20-12-2023 |
Final Schedule for [B.tech (5th, 7th), MBA 3rd, MCA 3rd and Pass-Out batch] ODD Semester Examination Session 2023-24 |
Examinations |
13-12-2023 |
Result of Re-Evaluation of Answer Scripts of Even Semester Theory Examination, 2022-23 |
Examinations |
23-11-2023 |
Tentative Schedule for [B.tech (5th, 7th), MBA 3rd, MCA 3rd and Pass-Out batch] ODD Semester Examination Session 2023-24 |
Examinations |
17-11-2023 |
Vacany |
10-11-2023 |
Internal Complaints Committee (Office-Memo) |
09-11-2023 |
Research and Development Cell |
09-11-2023 |
Notice Regarding Odd Semester (Regular/ Carry) Examination form 2023-24 for Regular/ Re-admitted/ Ex-student/ Carry |
Examinations |
02-11-2023 |
Notice Regarding Odd Semester Carry Examination form for Passout Students Session 2023-24 |
Examinations |
02-11-2023 |
Advertisement for recruitment of JRA/SRA for CST UP funded research project in EC Dept |
Vacany |
30-10-2023 |
B. Tech. 1st Semester Time Table for Academic Session 2023-24 |
Admissions |
21-10-2023 |
Academic Calendar 2023-24 |
Admissions |
19-10-2023 |
Vacany |
18-10-2023 |
Departmental Committee for the Readiness of NBA Accreditation |
Departmental |
05-10-2023 |
Class Notice for First Year Students |
Admissions |
03-10-2023 |
UFM Result of Even Semester Phase-II Examination, Session 2022-23 |
Examinations |
25-09-2023 |
Admission Notice for New Students for Session 2023-24 (Physical Reporting) |
Admissions |
23-09-2023 |
Project Committee of B.Tech. Computer Science and Engineering / Information Technology for Session 2023-24 |
Departmental |
23-09-2023 |
Project Committee of MCA program for Session 2023-24 |
Departmental |
23-09-2023 |
Schedule for Projects and Mini Projects allotment of Final year B.Tech CSE/IT and MCA programs. |
Departmental |
23-09-2023 |
Time Table for applying UP Postmatric Scholarship in the session 2023-24 |
Dean Students Welfare |
21-09-2023 |
Time Table |
Resources |
19-09-2023 |
Nomination of Mentors to the Students of Department of Computer Science and Engineering |
Departmental |
18-09-2023 |
M. Tech Admission Phase-II Spot-II |
Admissions |
15-09-2023 |
Student Mentoring Policy of Department of Computer Science and Engineering |
15-09-2023 |
Result of Odd Semester Challenge Evaluation session 2022-23 |
Examinations |
11-09-2023 |
Notice for Scrutiny of Answer Scripts of Even Semester Theory Examination, 2022-23 |
Departmental |
11-09-2023 |
Notice for Re-Evaluation of Answer Scripts of Even Semester Theory Examination, 2022-23 |
Examinations |
11-09-2023 |
Admission in M.Tech. Programs (2023-24) Spot Counselling Scheduled on 11/09/2023 |
Admissions |
04-09-2023 |
Advt. for Project Associate-II (On Contract) for Project under DST sponsored through IHUB NTIHAC Foundation (Phase-VIII)** Last date 14.09.2023 ** GATE/ NET etc. not qualified are also eligible. |
Vacany |
30-08-2023 |
M Tech Counselling Phase I Round III (GATE Qualified / CUET PG Candidates/Others) |
Admissions |
26-08-2023 |
Schedule for Interview Selection for Contractual Faculty Academic Session 2023-24 |
Vacany |
25-08-2023 |
UFM Result of Even Semester Phase-I Examination, Session 2022-23 |
24-08-2023 |
List of Candidates Called for Interview. |
Vacany |
22-08-2023 |
Counselling Phase I Round II (GATE Qualified / CUET PG Candidates) |
Admissions |
17-08-2023 |
Written Exam Schedule Selection for Contractual Faculty Academic Session 2023-24 |
Vacany |
17-08-2023 |
विभाग से "कंप्यूटर साइंस एवं इंजीनियरिंग" विधा में Minor Degree प्रदान करने हेतु Course Structure & Syllabus के निर्धारण हेतु समिति के गठन से संबंधित |
16-08-2023 |
विभाग में संचालित बी.टेक द्वितीय वर्ष पाठ्यक्रम के Course Structure & Syllabus के निर्धारण हेतु समिति के गठन से संबंधित |
16-08-2023 |
विभाग में संचालित एमसीए पाठ्यक्रम के PO, PEO, PSO, CO इत्यादि के निर्धारण हेतु समिति के गठन से संबंधित |
16-08-2023 |
विभाग में संचालित एम.टेक (AI & DS) पाठ्यक्रम के Course Structure & Syllabus के निर्धारण हेतु समिति के गठन से संबंधित |
16-08-2023 |
Selection for Contractual Faculty Academic Session 2023-24 with Detailed Schedule |
Vacany |
14-08-2023 |
Counselling Phase I Round I (GATE Qualified Candidates) |
Admissions |
08-08-2023 |
Selection for Contractual Faculty Academic Session 2023-24 with schedule |
Vacany |
05-08-2023 |
संस्थान के National/International Ranking हेतु गठित सेल को विभाग स्तर से आवश्यक सहयोग एवं सूचनाएं उपलब्ध कराने से संबंधित |
05-08-2023 |
विभागीय छात्र इन्टर्नशिप एवं प्लेसमेंट समिति के गठन से संबंधित |
25-07-2023 |
M Tech Admissions 2023-24 |
Admissions |
21-07-2023 |
Important Instruction for the students to fill online scholarship form |
Dean Students Welfare |
17-07-2023 |
विभाग स्तर से AKTU में चल रही NAAC की तैयारियों हेतु दस्तावेज एवं सूचना उपलब्ध कराने से संबंधित |
17-07-2023 |
Final Schedule(15-7-2023) for Phase-II [B.Tech (2nd, 4th), MBA 2nd, MCA 2nd, M.Tech 2nd and Pre Ph.D] Even Semester Examination Session 2022-2023 |
Examinations |
15-07-2023 |
होमीभाभा रिसर्च-कम-टीचिंग फैलो एवं ए0आई0सी0टी0ई0 डाक्टोरल फैलोशिप शोध-छात्र/छात्राओं के त्रैमासिक प्रगति रिपोर्ट के संबंधित |
15-07-2023 |
M.Tech_Lab_Schedule_ESE |
12-07-2023 |
Tentative Schedule for Phase-II [B.Tech (2nd, 4th), MBA 2nd, MCA 2nd, M.Tech 2nd and Pre Ph.D] Even Semester Examination Session 2022-2023 |
Examinations |
10-07-2023 |
Fee Structure 2023-24 |
Admissions |
07-07-2023 |
Vacany |
05-07-2023 |
Scrutiny Result, Odd Semester Theory Examination, 2022-23 |
Examinations |
24-06-2023 |
Identity Card Application Form |
Dean Students Welfare |
22-06-2023 |
Advt. for Project Associate-II (On Contract) for Project under DST sponsored through IHUB NTIHAC Foundation (Phase-VII)** Last date 08.07.2023 ** GATE/ NET etc. not qualified are also eligible. |
Vacany |
22-06-2023 |
Notice for Scrutiny of Answer Scripts of Odd Semester Theory Examination, 2022-23 |
Examinations |
17-06-2023 |
Notice for Revaluation of Answer Scripts of Odd Semester Theory Examination, 2022-23 |
Examinations |
17-06-2023 |
Lab_ Assessment_B.Tech 2nd_4th Sem |
Examinations |
17-06-2023 |
विभाग के भौतिक सत्यापन से संबंधित |
17-06-2023 |
सम सेमेस्टर परीक्षा 2022-23 Phase II की परीक्षा से संबंधित नियमित / कैरी ओवर परीक्षा के परीक्षा फार्म भरने के सम्बन्ध में |
Examinations |
09-06-2023 |
बी0टेक0 पाठ्यक्रमों में AICTE मॉडल के कैरीकुलम के अनुसार छात्र गतिविधियों का संचालन हेतु विभागीय समिति से संबंधित |
09-06-2023 |
B.tech CSE/IT VI &VIII Sem Practical Schedule 2022-23 |
08-06-2023 |
सत्र 2022-23 की विभागीय Annual Progress Report को तैयार करने से संबंधित |
23-05-2023 |
Final Schedule Phase-I (22-5-2023) for( B.Tech 6th, 8th, MBA 4th, MCA 4th and Pass-Out batch) EVEN Semester Examination Session 2022-2023 |
22-05-2023 |
सम सेमेस्टर परीक्षा 2022-23 की परीक्षा से संबंधित नियमित / कैरी ओवर परीक्षा के परीक्षा फार्म भरने के सम्बन्ध में |
Examinations |
01-05-2023 |
Pass Out बैच के छात्रों के लिये सम सेमेस्टर परीक्षा 2022-23 के कैरी ओवर परीक्षा से संबंधित परीक्षा फार्म भरने के संबंध में |
Examinations |
01-05-2023 |
Advt. for Project Associate-II (On Contract) for Project under DST sponsored through IHUB NTIHAC Foundation (Phase-VI)** Last date 19.04.2023 ** GATE/ NET etc. not qualified are also eligible. |
Vacany |
19-04-2023 |
B. Tech CSE(R) 2nd Year Time Table (2023-2024) |
17-04-2023 |
B. Tech CSE(SF) 2nd Year Time Table (2023-2024) |
17-04-2023 |
B. Tech CSE(AI) 2nd Year Time Table (2022-2023) |
17-04-2023 |
Ambedkar Jayanti Celebration |
14-04-2023 |
आवास आवंटन हेतु आवेदन पत्र (April 2023) |
03-04-2023 |
MCA 1st Sem Practical Examination Schedule 2022-23 |
Examinations |
20-03-2023 |
M.Tech 1st Sem Practical Examination Schedule 2022-23 |
Examinations |
20-03-2023 |
B.Tech CSE(R)/CSE(SF)/CSE(AI)-IIIrd Sem Practical Exam Schedule 2022-23 |
Examinations |
20-03-2023 |
B.Tech 1st Sem Practical Examination Schedule 2022-23 |
Examinations |
20-03-2023 |
Final Schedule for Phase-II [B.Tech (1st, 3rd), MBA 1st, MCA 1st, M.Tech 1st and Pre Ph.D] ODD Semester Examination Session 2022-2023 |
04-03-2023 |
Challenge/Re-evaluation Result of Even Semester Examination, Session 2021-22 |
Examinations |
24-02-2023 |
Tentative Schedule for Phase-II [B.Tech (1st, 3rd), MBA 1st, MCA 1st, M.Tech 1st and Pre Ph.D] ODD Semester Examination Session 2022-2023 |
Examinations |
20-02-2023 |
B.Tech CSE V SemTime Table (2023-2024) |
16-02-2023 |
ERP Registration Notice for New Students |
Admissions |
31-01-2023 |
Final Schedule for Phase-I ( B.tech 5th, 7th, MBA 3rd, MCA 3rd and Pass-Out batch) ODD Semester Examination Session 2022-2023 |
16-01-2023 |
Tentative Schedule for( B.tech 5th, 7th, MBA 3rd, MCA 3rd and Pass-Out batch) ODD Semester Examination Session 2022-2023 |
07-01-2023 |
Last Date of Filling of Examination Form for Odd Semester Examination (Regular/ Carry Over), 2022-23 [Regular, Re-Admitted and Ex-Students] EXCEPT First Year and 2nd Year Lateral Entry Students is extended to 10-01-2023. |
04-01-2023 |
B. Tech CSE 2nd Year Time Table (2022-2023) |
26-12-2022 |
Tentative Examination Slots for ODD Semester Theory Examination [Final Year (B.Tech. / MBA / MCA) & B.Tech. 3rd Year], 2022-23 |
Examinations |
22-12-2022 |
Filling of Examination Form for Odd Semester Examination (Regular/ Carry Over), 2022-23 [Regular, Re-Admitted and Ex-Students] EXCEPT First Year and 2nd Year Lateral Entry Students |
20-12-2022 |
Notice for Students of Pass-Out Batches that graduated in 2022 or prior : Filling of Carry Over Examination Form of Odd Semester Examination, 2022-23 |
20-12-2022 |
विभागीय बजट एवं क्रय से संबंधित |
15-12-2022 |
शोध छात्र एवं छात्राओं के Biometric के संबंधित |
30-11-2022 |
B. Tech 1st Semester Time Table (2022-2023) |
Admissions |
29-11-2022 |
Interview/Presentation Notice Schedule for Selection of Contractual Faculty |
Vacany |
19-11-2022 |
Scrutiny Result, Even Semester Theory Examination, 2021-22 |
Examinations |
16-11-2022 |
Notice for Re-Evaluation of Answer Scripts of Even Semester Theory Examination, 2021-22 |
Examinations |
14-11-2022 |
Blood Donation Camp 14-November-2022 10 AM to 2PM @ IET Dispensary |
co-curriculars |
12-11-2022 |
Written Examination : Selection for Contractual Faculty |
Vacany |
10-11-2022 |
Admissions |
05-11-2022 |
Notice for Scrutiny of Answer Scripts of Even Semester Theory Examination, 2021-22 |
Examinations |
05-11-2022 |
M. Tech Spot Counselling on 09-11-2022 at IET Lucknow, Reporting Time 10:00 am-12:15 pm |
Admissions |
04-11-2022 |
Interview/Presentation Notice Schedule for Selection of Contractual Faculty |
Vacany |
03-11-2022 |
Induction Program Notice 2022-23 |
Admissions |
03-11-2022 |
Interview/Presentation Notice Schedule for Selection of Contractual Faculty |
Vacany |
28-10-2022 |
M. Tech Spot Counselling on 29-10-2022 at IET Lucknow, Reporting Time 10:00 am-12:15 pm |
Admissions |
22-10-2022 |
Advertisement for Appointment of Research Assistant (RA) for CST, UP Project |
Vacany |
20-10-2022 |
Academic Calendar 2022-23 |
Admissions |
19-10-2022 |
Office order |
18-10-2022 |
विभागीय के टाइम-टेबल कोआर्डिनेटर से संबंधित |
18-10-2022 |
विभागीय के यू0जी0 पाठ्यक्रम के ट्रेनिंग एवं प्लेसमेंट कोआर्डिनेटर से संबंधित |
18-10-2022 |
Office order |
18-10-2022 |
विभागीय के यू0जी0 पाठ्यक्रम के प्रोजेक्ट कोआर्डिनेटर से संबंधित |
18-10-2022 |
विभागीय वेबसाईट के मेन्टेनेन्स संबंधी |
18-10-2022 |
Written Examination Schedule : Selection for Contractual Faculty |
Vacany |
17-10-2022 |
Selection for Contractual Faculty (Chemical Engineering & Biotechnology) |
Vacany |
14-10-2022 |
M Tech Counselling Phase 2 (GATE/CUET (PG) Qualified Candidates) |
Admissions |
11-10-2022 |
आवास आवंटन हेतु आवेदन (Oct 2022) |
06-10-2022 |
Advertisement for the post of Junior Research Assistant (JRA) for the CST UP Sponsored Project in the Department of Chemical Engineering |
Vacany |
24-09-2022 |
Additional (Special) Carry Over Examination Schedule, 2021-22 for Pass-Out Batches of 2021-22 or Prior |
Examinations |
23-09-2022 |
Challenge/Re-evaluation Result of Odd Semester Examination, Session 2021-22 |
Examinations |
22-09-2022 |
M Tech Admissions (Phase II) for Session 2022-23 Admission Open for GATE/CUET(PG) 2022 Qualified Candidates |
Admissions |
15-09-2022 |
EOI : Call for Proposal from Incubatees/ Startups for incubation |
14-09-2022 |
Filling of Examination Form for Special Carry Over Examination 2021-22 ( Note: Please Use Institute E-Mail Login ID [ [email protected] ]) |
Examinations |
13-09-2022 |
Notice regarding Special Additional Carry Over (Odd & Even Semester) Examination for students of the Pass-Out batches of 2021-22 or prior |
Examinations |
12-09-2022 |
Selection for Contractual Faculty |
Vacany |
30-08-2022 |
Advertisement for the Position of Project Associate-II (On Contract) for Project under DST sponsored through IHUB NTIHAC Foundation (Phase-IV) |
Vacany |
25-08-2022 |
Registration for ISSACC activities under Aazadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav |
co-curriculars |
12-08-2022 |
Registration Notice Odd Semester 2022-23 |
Admissions |
10-08-2022 |
Fee Structure 2022-23 |
Admissions |
27-07-2022 |
Admit Card for Even Semester Examination (Phase-II), 2021-22 [due to be held in July/August 2022] can be downloaded through ERP Login |
Examinations |
26-07-2022 |
Notice for M Tech Counselling Phase-1 (GATE Qualified Candidates) |
Admissions |
26-07-2022 |
FINAL Even Semester Theory Examination Schedule, 2021-22: B.Tech ( 2nd & 4th Semester) / MBA (2nd Semester)/ MCA ( 2nd & 4th Semester) / M.Tech. (2nd Semester)/Pre Ph.D. [Regular & Carry Over Exam] And Pass-out Batch Carry over |
Examinations |
15-07-2022 |
आईईटी, लखनऊ से संबंधित कर्मचारियों, अधिकारियों एवं शिक्षकों के आवास आवंटन हेतु आवेदन पत्र (July 2022) |
11-07-2022 |
IIC, IET Lucknow organizing an online session on “Rural Entrepreneurship Opportunities for Engineers and Scientists” on 7th July 2022, 02:00 pm only for IET faculty and students. Please register on https://tinyurl.com/255c3r37 Limited seats. |
co-curriculars |
06-07-2022 |
Advertisement for the Position of Project Associate-II (On Contract) for Project under DST sponsored through IHUB NTIHAC Foundation (Phase-III) |
30-06-2022 |
Scrutiny Result, Odd Semester Theory Examination, 2021-22 |
Examinations |
28-06-2022 |
IIC, IET Lucknow organizing an online session on "Innovation Culture In Renewable Energy Field" on 23rd June 2022, 02:00 PM-03:00 PM only for IET faculty and students. Please register on tinyurl.com/2q98ma6d |
co-curriculars |
23-06-2022 |
Admissions in M.Tech. Programs 2022-23 (Phase-1 - GATE Qualified Candidates) |
Admissions |
23-06-2022 |
Notice for Scrutiny of Answer Scripts of Odd Semester Theory Examination, 2021-22 |
Examinations |
08-06-2022 |
Notice for Re-Evaluation of Answer Scripts of Odd Semester Theory Examination, 2021-22 |
Examinations |
08-06-2022 |
आईईटी, लखनऊ से संबंधित कर्मचारियों, अधिकारियों एवं शिक्षकों के आवास आवंटन हेतु आवेदन पत्र (June 2022) |
06-06-2022 |
Admit Cards of Even Semester Examination, 2021-22 [Phase-1: B.Tech. (6th & 8th Sem)/MBA(4th Sem)] are available for download through institute ERP. |
Examinations |
25-05-2022 |
FINAL Even Semester Theory Examination Schedule, 2021-22: B.Tech ( 6th & 8th Semester) / MBA (4th Semester) [Regular & Carry Over Exam] And Pass-out Batch Carry over |
Examinations |
20-05-2022 |
Examination Slots for EVEN Semester Theory Examination (Regular & Carry Over), 2021-22 |
Examinations |
07-05-2022 |
Notice for Students of Pass-Out Batches that graduated in 2021 or prior : Filling of Carry Over Examination Form of EVEN Semester Examination, 2021-22 |
Examinations |
29-04-2022 |
Filling of Examination Form for EVEN Semester Examination (Regular/ Carry Over), 2021-22 [Regular, Re-admitted and Ex-Students] |
Examinations |
29-04-2022 |
Advertisement for the Position of Project Associate-II (On Contract) for Project under DST sponsored through IHUB NTIHAC Foundation (Phase-II) |
Vacany |
19-04-2022 |
M.Tech. (1st Sem)/ Ph.D. Examination, 2021-22: MTCC-101 Examination has been rescheduled on April 19, 2022 (9:00 AM- 12:00 Noon). |
Examinations |
30-03-2022 |
M.Tech I st Sem (Structural Engg) / Ph.D. Examination 2021-22: MTCE-101 Examination has been rescheduled on April 13, 2022 (9:00 AM- 12:00 Noon. |
28-03-2022 |
Revised Time Table VI_VIII the Sem wef 28-03-2022 |
28-03-2022 |
Final Odd Semester Theory Examination Schedule, 2021-22: B.Tech / MBA / MCA/ M.Tech ( 1st Semester) & B.Tech. (3rd Semester) and Pre-Ph.D. [Regular & Carry Over Exam) |
Examinations |
15-03-2022 |
IIC, IET Lucknow organizing an online session on “My Story- Motivational Session by Successful Entrepreneur/ Start-up Founder” on 02nd March 2022, 12:30 PM-01:30 PM only for IET faculty and students. Please register on bit.ly/3Hr2cct |
co-curriculars |
01-03-2022 |
IIC, IET Lucknow organizing an online workshop on “Entrepreneurship and Innovation as Career Opportunity” on 28th February 2022, 12:30 PM-01:30 PM only for IET faculty and students. Please register on t.ly/kr6W |
co-curriculars |
27-02-2022 |
Admit Cards of Odd Semester Theory Examination, 2021-22 [Phase-1: 3rd Sem MBA/MCA, 5th Sem B.Tech/MCA, 7th Sem B.Tech. and passout Students] is available on the institute ERP for download. |
Examinations |
26-02-2022 |
IIC, IET Lucknow organizing an online session on “Achieving Problem Solution Fit and Product Market Fit” on 22nd February 2022, 01:30 PM-02:30 PM only for IET faculty and students. Please register on link: t.ly/1iaB |
co-curriculars |
21-02-2022 |
Format of the Question Paper, Odd Semester Theory Examination, 2021-22 |
Examinations |
18-02-2022 |
IIC, IET Lucknow organizing an online workshop on “Design Thinking, Critical Thinking and Innovation Design ” on 19th February 2022, 12:30 PM-01:30 PM only for IET faculty and students. Please register on tinyurl.com/ycpa4kxf |
co-curriculars |
18-02-2022 |
FINAL Odd Semester Theory Examination Schedule (Revised), 2021-22: B.Tech 7th & 5th Semesters , MCA 5th & 3rd Semesters and MBA 3rd Semester [Regular/ Ex-Students) and Carry of Pass-Out Batch students |
Examinations |
17-02-2022 |
IIC, IET Lucknow organizing an online event “Orientation Session for all Students and Faculties of institute by Innovation Ambassadors” on 13th February 2022, 11:30 AM-12:30 PM only for IET faculty and students. Please register on https://bit.ly/3uLiZVc |
co-curriculars |
12-02-2022 |
Revised Examination Slots for ODD Semester Theory Examination (Regular & Carry Over), 2021-22 |
Examinations |
09-02-2022 |
IIC, IET Lucknow organizing an online session on “Role of IIC to implement AICTE internship Policy” on 3rd February 2022, 12:45 PM-01:45 PM only for IET faculty and students. Please register on https://bit.ly/34sES08 Limited seats are available. |
co-curriculars |
02-02-2022 |
संशोधित सूचना : आईईटी, लखनऊ से संबंधित कर्मचारियों, अधिकारियों एवं शिक्षकों के आवास आवंटन हेतु आवेदन |
31-01-2022 |
Advertisement for the Position of Project Associate-II (On Contract) for Project under DST sponsored through IHUB NTIHAC Foundation (Last date extended upto 7th March 2022) |
Vacany |
29-01-2022 |
आईईटी, लखनऊ से संबंधित कर्मचारियों, अधिकारियों एवं शिक्षकों के आवास आवंटन हेतु आवेदन |
28-01-2022 |
Notice regarding Filling of Examination Form of Odd Semester Examination 2021-22 [ For Newly Admitted First Year (B.Tech./ MBA/MCA/M.Tech.), Lateral Entry 2nd Year (B.Tech.) and Ph.D. Students ] |
Examinations |
20-01-2022 |
Regarding Postponement of the Odd Semester Examination, 2021-22 due to start from Jan 11, 2022 |
Examinations |
11-01-2022 |
Modified EXAMINATION SCHEDULE of MCA 5th Semester Examination [Regular, Ex-Students, Pass-out Batch], Session 2021-22 |
Examinations |
08-01-2022 |
आई० ई० टी० संस्थान के आवासीय भवनों में वर्त्तमान समय में आध्यासित शिक्षकों/अधिकायियों/कर्मचारियों के अध्यासन/रिक्त की अद्यतन सूची (दिसम्बर २०२१) |
04-01-2022 |
FINAL Odd Semester Theory Examination Schedule, 2021-22: B.Tech 7th & 5th Semester , MCA 5th Semester and MBA 3rd Semester [Regular/ Ex-Students) and Carry of Pass-Out Batch students |
Examinations |
30-12-2021 |
TENTATIVE Odd Semester Examination Schedule, 2021-22: B.Tech 7th & 5th Semester , MCA 5th Semester and MBA 3rd Semester [Regular/ Ex-Students) |
Examinations |
21-12-2021 |
Notice regarding Tentative Examination Slots for ODD Semester Examination (Regular & Carry Over), 2021-22 |
Examinations |
14-12-2021 |
Last date of filling the Examination Form for Odd Semester Examination 2021-22 is extended to Dec 15,2021. |
Examinations |
11-12-2021 |
Application form for First Year Students required for laptop/tablet distribution by UP government |
Admissions |
08-12-2021 |
Identity Card Application Form |
Admissions |
06-12-2021 |
New Time Table of UP Post Matric Scholarship 2021-22 |
Admissions |
04-12-2021 |
Notice for All Newly Admitted B. Tech, MBA & MCA First Year Students in Academic Session 2021-22 |
Admissions |
04-12-2021 |
Filling of Examination Form for Odd Semester Examination (Regular/ Carry Over), 2021-22 [Regular, Re-admitted and Ex-Students] except First Year Students |
Examinations |
30-11-2021 |
Notice for Students of Pass-Out Batches that graduated in 2021 or prior : Filling of Carry Over Examination Form of Odd Semester Examination, 2021-22 |
Examinations |
30-11-2021 |
First Year of B.Tech., MBA and MCA (2021-22) Class Notice |
Admissions |
30-11-2021 |
Updated Notice for Newly Admitted First Year Students |
24-11-2021 |
ADMISSION NOTICE FOR NEW STUDENTS Reporting 25-26 & 29th November 2021 |
Admissions |
23-11-2021 |
Branch Change Application for 2021-22 |
Admissions |
18-11-2021 |
M.Tech Admission 2021-22 Spot Counselling (Second) on 25-Nov-2021 |
18-11-2021 |
Winners of IDEA-BOX by IIC, IET Lucknow for the month of September 2021. IIC, IET Lucknow congratulates to all winners. |
co-curriculars |
16-11-2021 |
New Admission- Provisional email & Induction Program - reg |
Admissions |
15-11-2021 |
ADMISSION NOTICE FOR NEW STUDENTS Reporting 15-16 November 2021 |
Admissions |
12-11-2021 |
Institution's Innovation Council, IET Lucknow presents "IDEA-BOX". 'A platform to grow your ideas' .Only for IET students. Please send your valuable ideas through the given E-form link. Last date of receiving ideas for the month of November is 20th Nov. |
co-curriculars |
08-11-2021 |
M.Tech Spot Counselling 2021-22 on 09-Nov-2021 |
Admissions |
27-10-2021 |
ADMISSION NOTICE FOR NEW STUDENTS Reporting 27-29 October 2021 |
Admissions |
26-10-2021 |
Provisional Seat Allotment M. Tech Admission 2021-22 to Second Phase Wait listed candidates |
Admissions |
21-10-2021 |
Fee Structure 2021-22 |
Admissions |
20-10-2021 |
Admissions |
18-10-2021 |
Provisional Seat Allotment M. Tech Admissions 2021-22 Phase II |
Admissions |
13-10-2021 |
Schedule of Left Over Examination, Even Semester 2020-21 |
Examinations |
12-10-2021 |
Regarding more than 75% attendance mandatory required for UP Post Matric Scholarship 2021-22 |
08-10-2021 |
Conduction of Left Over Examination (Regular / Carry Over) of the Even Semester Examination, 2020-21 held in Online Mode |
Examinations |
02-10-2021 |
Fee Structure for Newly Admitted Students for session 2021-22 |
Admissions |
01-10-2021 |
Provisional Seat Allotment M.Tech Admission 2021-22 (First Phase) for Waitlisted Candidates |
Admissions |
30-09-2021 |
M Tech Admissions (Second Phase) for Session 2021-22 |
Admissions |
27-09-2021 |
Provisional Seat Allotment M.Tech Admission 2021-22 (First Phase) |
Admissions |
26-09-2021 |
Apply for House Allotment |
25-09-2021 |
Institution's Innovation Council, IET Lucknow presents "IDEA-BOX". 'A platform to grow your ideas' .Only for IET students. Please send your valuable ideas through the given E-form link. Last date of receiving ideas is 30th Sept 2021. |
co-curriculars |
23-09-2021 |
Academic Calendar 2021-22 |
17-09-2021 |
Advertisement for the post of Senior / Junior Research Assistant (S.R.A./J.R.A.)(On Contract) |
15-09-2021 |
Academic Calendar (Revised) 2020-21 |
Admissions |
31-08-2021 |
List of Candidates for Interview 28-Aug-2021 |
Vacany |
27-08-2021 |
List of Candidates for Interview Electrical Engineering, Power & Energy System |
Vacany |
26-08-2021 |
List of Candidates for Interview Mechanical Engineering |
Vacany |
25-08-2021 |
Registration Notice-Odd Semester 2021-22 |
Admissions, Examinations |
25-08-2021 |
List of Candidates for Interview Computer Science & Engineering / IT |
Vacany |
24-08-2021 |
Revised Schedule of Written Test & Interview Selection of Contractual Faculty |
Vacany |
22-08-2021 |
List of Candidates for Interview Applied Science and Humanities |
Vacany |
21-08-2021 |
Theory Examinations of Even Semester, 2020-21 scheduled on August 24, 2021 have been postponed to September 10, 2021 |
Examinations |
20-08-2021 |
List of Candidates for Interview B Tech. Electronics & Communication Engineering |
Vacany |
18-08-2021 |
List of Candidates for Interview M Tech Environmental Engineering |
Vacany |
17-08-2021 |
List of Candidates for Interview B Tech Civil Engineering |
Vacany |
16-08-2021 |
Updated Written Test & Interview Schedule for Contractual Faculty |
Vacany |
14-08-2021 |
Challenge/Re-evaluation Result of Odd Semester Examination (Session 2020-21) |
13-08-2021 |
Postponement of Written Test & Interview Scheduled between 10-08-2021 to 14-08-2021 |
Vacany |
09-08-2021 |
Written Test Syllabus Human Values for Selection of Contractual Faculty |
Vacany |
31-07-2021 |
Last Date for Application in M. Tech Courses for Academic Year 2021-22 is extended to 16.08.2021 till 11:59 PM. |
Admissions |
31-07-2021 |
IIC, IET Lucknow organizing an online awareness program on “National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF)” on 30th July 2021, 11:00 AM only for IET faculty and students. Please register on https://tinyurl.com/iic-iet-011 Limited seats are available. |
co-curriculars |
30-07-2021 |
IIC, IET Lucknow organizing an online awareness program on “Atal Ranking of Institutions on Innovation Achievements (ARIIA)” on 30th July 2021, 02:00 PM only for IET faculty and students. Please register on https://tinyurl.com/iic-iet-012 Limited seats |
co-curriculars |
30-07-2021 |
IIC, IET Lucknow organizing an online session on “Semester Break: Internship at startup” on 31st July 2021, 01:00 PM only for IET faculty and students. Please register on https://tinyurl.com/iic-iet-013 Limited seats are available. |
co-curriculars |
30-07-2021 |
Winners of the INTELLIGENTZIA: Hackathon 2021 |
29-07-2021 |
Written Test and Interview Schedule for Selection of Contractual Faculty |
Vacany |
29-07-2021 |
IIC, IET Lucknow organizes an online awareness program on “UP-Startup Policy” on 26th July 2021, only for IET faculty and students. Please register on https://tinyurl.com/iic-iet-10 Limited seats are available. |
co-curriculars |
26-07-2021 |
IIC, IET Lucknow organizng an online awareness program on “UP-Startup Policy” on 26th July 2021, 01:20 pm to 02:20 pm you can join the session directly from this link. Google Meet joining link: https://meet.google.com/vhg-oadv-pgo |
co-curriculars |
26-07-2021 |
Date of Application Extended - Selection of Contractual Faculty |
Vacany |
20-07-2021 |
Notice for Attention of B.Tech 8th Semester (CE, CH, ME) Students : Even Semester Examination, 2020-21 |
Examinations |
17-07-2021 |
Examination Schedule, Non-Final Year Students B.Tech. (2nd, 4th & 6th Sem)/ MBA (2nd Sem)/ MCA (2nd & 4th Sem)/ M.Tech (2nd Sem)/ Pre-PhD [Regular / Carry Over Papers], Even Sem Examination 2020-21 |
Examinations |
16-07-2021 |
IIC IET Lucknow organizes “INTELLIGENTZIA: HACKATHON” fabricating solutions for the Contemporary World, Grand Finale on 15th July. |
co-curriculars |
15-07-2021 |
Login Credential and Important Instructions regarding Online Even Semester Theory Examination, 2020-21 |
Examinations |
14-07-2021 |
Important Notice regarding UPDATION of Mobile NUMBER on the ERP for the purpose of Online Examination of Even Semester, 2020-21 |
Examinations |
09-07-2021 |
Important Instructions regarding ONLINE EXAMINATION, Even Semester, 2020-21 |
Examinations |
09-07-2021 |
M. Tech Admissions 2021-22 Notice |
Admissions |
01-07-2021 |
Fee Structure 2021-22 IET Lucknow |
Admissions |
26-06-2021 |
Selection for Contractual Faculty |
Vacany |
26-06-2021 |
Regarding Even Semester Theory Examination, 2020-21: A Very Important Notice for Students |
Examinations |
25-06-2021 |
Examination Schedule, B.Tech 8th Sem & MBA 4th Sem Theory Examination, 2020-21 |
Examinations |
25-06-2021 |
IIC IET Lucknow organizes a session on “My Story - Motivational Session by Successful Entrepreneur/Startup founder” on 23rd June. Only for IET students. Please register on https://tinyurl.com/iet-iic-018 limited seats are available. |
co-curriculars |
23-06-2021 |
IIC IET Lucknow organizes an “One-day workshop on Patent Filing” on 21st June 2021. Only for IET students. Please register on https://tinyurl.com/iet-iic-017 limited seats are available. |
co-curriculars |
21-06-2021 |
IIC IET Lucknow organizes an “Orientation session for all students & faculties of Institute by Innovation Ambassador(s)”. Only for IET students. Please register on https://tinyurl.com/iet-iic-016 limited seats are available. |
co-curriculars |
19-06-2021 |
IIC IET Lucknow organizes an online “Workshop on Prototype/Process Design and Development – Prototyping”. Only for IET students. Please register on https://tinyurl.com/iet-iic-015 limited seats are available. |
co-curriculars |
18-06-2021 |
IIC IET Lucknow organizes a session on “How to plan for Start-up: legal & Ethical Steps”. Only for IET students. Please register on https://tinyurl.com/iet-iic-014 limited seats are available |
co-curriculars |
17-06-2021 |
Last Date for filling of the Examination Form for Even Semester, 2020-21 is extended to June 19, 2021, 11:59 PM |
Examinations |
16-06-2021 |
IIC IET Lucknow organizes a session on “Mentorship Session for Innovators (or) Student Entrepreneurs through Innovation Ambassadors ”. Only for IET students. Plz register on https://forms.gle/BNVFwbd5GwhBGwct8 limited seats are available. |
co-curriculars |
15-06-2021 |
Filling of Examination Form for Even Semester Examination (Regular/ Carry Over), 2020-21[Regular, Readmitted and Ex-Students] |
Examinations |
08-06-2021 |
Notice for Students of Pass-Out Batches that graduated in 2020 or prior : Filling of Carry Over Examination Form of Even Semester Examination, 2020-21 |
Examinations |
08-06-2021 |
IIC IET Lucknow organizes a session on “National Startup and Innovation Policy”. Only for IET students. Plz register on https://tinyurl.com/iic-iet-2 limited seats. @iic_ietlucknow @AKTU_Lucknow @mhrd_innovation |
co-curriculars |
03-06-2021 |
A session on “Career Opportunities in Startup Ecosystem” for students of IET Lucknow" and “Virtual visit to the CIE, IIIT Hyderabad" |
co-curriculars |
31-05-2021 |
Scrutiny Result, Odd Semester Theory Examination, 2020-21 |
Examinations |
27-05-2021 |
Notice for the Scrutiny of Answer Scripts of Odd Semester Theory Examination, 2020-21 |
Examinations |
17-05-2021 |
Notice for Re-Evaluation of Answer Scripts of Odd Semester Theory Examination, 2020-21 |
Examinations |
17-05-2021 |
Appeal : कोरोना टीकाकरण पंजीकरण |
30-04-2021 |
SEED Members |
09-03-2021 |
List of eligible Candidates for Interview 22-01-2021 |
Vacany |
21-02-2021 |
Guidelines and SOP For Odd Semester Examination, 2020-21 as Preventive Measure to contain spread of COVID-19 |
Examinations |
21-02-2021 |
Examination Schedule [PHASE-II ]: Odd Semester Theory Examination, 2020-21 of B.Tech., MCA, MBA (1st and 3rd Sem) and M.Tech. 1st Sem [Feb/March-2021] |
Examinations |
21-02-2021 |
Revised Examination Schedule [PHASE-I]: Odd Semester Theory Examination, 2020-21 of B.Tech. 5th and 7th Sem, MCA 5th Sem [Feb/March-2021] |
Examinations |
13-02-2021 |
Format of the Question Paper, Odd Semester Theory Examination, 2020-21 |
03-02-2021 |
Office Memo : Opening of Institute |
Admissions |
03-02-2021 |
Schedule Of Opening of The Institute |
Admissions |
03-02-2021 |
Notice : House Allotment |
01-02-2021 |
List of eligible Candidates for Interview 23-01-2021 |
Vacany |
22-01-2021 |
Corrigendum Schedule of Written Examination & Interview for Selection of Contractual Faculty |
Vacany |
19-01-2021 |
The Last Date for filling Examination Form for Odd Semester Examination, 2020-21 has been extended to Jan 22, 2021 for All Programs/ All Semesters |
18-01-2021 |
Notice regarding Tentative Examination Slots for ODD Semester Examination (Regular & Carry Over), 2020-21 |
12-01-2021 |
Notice for Students of Pass-Out Batches that graduated in 2020 or prior : Filling of Carry Over Examination Form of Odd Semester Examination, 2020-21 |
Examinations |
04-01-2021 |
Regarding Filling of Examination Form for Odd Semester Examination (Regular / Carry Over), 2020-21[Regular, Readmitted and Ex-Students] |
Examinations |
04-01-2021 |
Notice for newly admitted students |
Admissions |
09-12-2020 |
Admissions |
08-12-2020 |
Induction Program for Newly Admitted B. Tech. First Year Students |
Admissions |
05-12-2020 |
ADMISSION NOTICE: For Students who are Allotted IET, Lucknow after Special Round-2 (7th Round) of Counselling |
Admissions |
05-12-2020 |
Guidelines and SOP For Even Semester Examination, 2019-20 as Preventive Measure to contain spread of COVID-19 |
Examinations |
03-12-2020 |
Download Admit Card, Even Semester Examination, 2019-20 [Also valid for exam being held in Dec,2020] |
02-12-2020 |
Admission Notice : Who are Allotted IET, Lucknow after Special Round-1 (6th Round) of Counselling |
Admissions |
01-12-2020 |
Examination Schedule: Even Semester Theory Examination, 2019-20 of Left Over students of B.Tech. 8th Sem, MBA 4th Sem, M.Tech. 2nd Sem AND Even Semester Carry Over Exam of Non-Final Year students of B.Tech / MCA of the Session 2019-20 (Dec, 2020) |
Examinations |
20-11-2020 |
Guidelines for New Allotted Students B Tech / MBA/ MCA /Lateral Entry | Online Classes and Deferred Hostel Allotment |
Admissions |
19-11-2020 |
Important Notice related to Even Semester Examination, 2019-20 of Leftover students of B.Tech./MBA/MCA Final Yr & M.Tech. Ist & 2nd Yr and Even Semester Carryover Exam, 2019-20 of Non-Final Year students of B.Tech./MBA/MCA of the Session 2019-20 |
Examinations |
11-11-2020 |
Result of Re-Evaluation, Even Semester Examination, 2019-20 |
Examinations |
09-11-2020 |
Admission in M Tech Programs Second Phase (Spot Counselling) |
Admissions |
04-11-2020 |
Corrigendum |
Vacany |
02-11-2020 |
Scrutiny Result, Even Semester Theory Examination, 2019-20 |
Examinations |
29-10-2020 |
Selection of Contractual faculty |
Vacany |
27-10-2020 |
Provisional Seat Allotment M.Tech Admission 2020-21 (Third List) |
Admissions |
26-10-2020 |
Provisional Seat Allotment M.Tech Admission 2020-21 (Revised Second List) |
Admissions |
19-10-2020 |
Provisional Seat Allotment M.Tech Admission 2020-21 (Second List) |
Admissions |
17-10-2020 |
Notice for Scrutiny of Answer Scripts of Even Semester Theory Examination, 2019-20 |
Examinations |
08-10-2020 |
Notice for Re-Evaluation of Answer Scripts of Even Semester Theory Examination, 2019-20 |
Examinations |
08-10-2020 |
Result Declared (Regular / Carry / Passout Batch): B.Tech. Final Year/ MBA Final Year/ MCA Final Year / MTech First Year / Pre-PhD |
Examinations |
28-09-2020 |
Guidelines for Examination issued by MHA |
08-09-2020 |
Even Semester Examination, 2019-20 is being conducted in both modes: ONLINE / OFFLINE. |
Examinations |
03-09-2020 |
Format of the Question Paper, Even Semester Theory Examination, 2019-20 |
Examinations |
21-08-2020 |
Even Semester Theory (Regular and Carry Over) Examination Schedule, 2019-20 for B.Tech/MBA/MCA Final Year, M.Tech (2nd & 4th Semester) Students and Pass-Out Batch Students (All programs) |
20-08-2020 |
Fee Structure 2020-21 |
Admissions |
29-07-2020 |
Result of Challenge Evaluation, Odd Semester Examination, 2019-20 |
29-06-2020 |
The Last Date for submission of the On-Line Examination Form for Even Semester Examination, 2019-20 has been extended from June 21, 2020 to June 25, 2020. |
21-06-2020 |
International Yoga Day 2020 - Reg |
co-curriculars |
20-06-2020 |
Notice for Students of Pass-Out Batches that graduated in 2019 or prior : Filling of Carry Over Examination Form of Even Semester Examination, 2019-20 |
12-06-2020 |
Regarding Filling of Examination Form for Even Semester Examination (Regular / Carry Over), 2019-20 [Regular, Readmitted and Ex-Students] |
06-06-2020 |
Scrutiny Result, Odd Semester Theory Examination, 2019-20 |
Examinations |
19-05-2020 |
Notice for Re-Evaluation (Challenge Evaluation) of Answer Scripts of Odd Semester Theory Examination, 2019-20 |
Examinations |
16-05-2020 |
Regarding Passed-Out Batches Carry Over Papers Information (batches that graduated in 2019 or prior) |
Examinations |
09-05-2020 |
Notice for Scrutiny of Answer Scripts of Odd Semester Theory Examination, 2019-20 |
Examinations |
08-05-2020 |
Result of Challenge Evaluation of Even Semester Examination, 2018-19 (May-June, 2019) |
Examinations |
18-04-2020 |
Aarogya Setu Mobile App |
11-04-2020 |
Suspension of Classes upto 03-May-2020 |
Admissions, Examinations |
02-04-2020 |
Appeal COVID-19 |
Admissions, co-curriculars |
28-03-2020 |
Suspension of Classes upto 02-April-2020 |
Admissions, Examinations |
19-03-2020 |
Suspension of Classes upto 22-March-2020 |
Admissions, Examinations |
13-03-2020 |
Advertisement for the post of Senior / Junior Research Assistant (S.R.A./J.R.A.)(On Contract) |
Vacany |
18-02-2020 |
Schedule of Written Examination & Interview for Selection of Contractual Faculty |
Vacany |
15-01-2020 |
Advertisement for SRA/RA Under CST UP funded project |
Vacany |
28-12-2019 |
Revised Examination Schedule of Postponed Examination (Regular and Carry Over Papers), Odd Semester Theory Examination, 2019-20 (Dec-2019) : Regular / Readmitted /Ex-Student / Pass Out batch Students |
26-12-2019 |
Due to cold wave, Winter Vacation for Academic Session 2019-20, which were earlier declared from 31st December 2019 to 06 January 2020, are now rescheduled from 26 December 2019 to 06 January 2020 |
Admissions |
23-12-2019 |
Postponed Examination (Theory & Practical) will commence from 10th January 2020 and schedule for the same will be made available on the Institute Website |
Admissions, Examinations |
23-12-2019 |
Due to some unavoidable circumstances, Odd Semester Theory Examination, 2019-20 scheduled on 23rd and 24th December 2019 has been postponed. The new dates of the examination scheduled on these dates shall be notified soon. |
22-12-2019 |
Due to unavoidable circumstances, Odd Semester Theory Examination scheduled on 21st Dec 2019 has been postponed. |
20-12-2019 |
Due to unavoidable circumstances, Odd Semester Theory Examination scheduled on 19th and 20th Dec 2019 has been postponed. |
Examinations |
18-12-2019 |
Final Examination Schedule - Odd Semester Theory Examination 2019-20 (December-2019) |
21-11-2019 |
Theory Examination Schedule for Readmitted Students / Ex-Students / Pass Out Students (Old Batch) / Additional carry over papers for Third Year and Fourth year Students. [Odd Semester Theory Examination, 2019-20] |
21-11-2019 |
Tentative Examination Scheme for End Semester Theory Examination 2019-20 (Dec-2019) |
08-11-2019 |
Last Opportunity (Nov 05-06, 2019) to fill up Examination Form of Odd Semester Exam -Dec-2019 : |
30-10-2019 |
Last Date Extended to October 23, 2019 :: Filling of Online Examination Form (Regular and Carry Over) of Odd Semester Examination, 2019-20 [Regular, Readmitted and Ex Students] |
19-10-2019 |
Prevention of Caste Based Discrimination System |
19-10-2019 |
Cell for prevention of Caste Based Discrimination |
18-10-2019 |
Advertisement for the post of Junior Research Assistant for the CST , UP Sponsored Project |
Vacany |
14-10-2019 |
Important Notice: Filling of Online Examination Form (Regular and Carry Over) of Odd Semester Examination, 2019-20 [Regular, Readmitted and Ex Students] |
12-10-2019 |
Important Notice: Filling of Examination Form (offline) of Odd Semester Examination, 2019-20_Pass_Out_Batches |
12-10-2019 |
Internal Branch Transfer (2019-20) |
Admissions |
19-09-2019 |
Walk in Interview : MIS Officer TEQIP III |
Vacany |
15-09-2019 |
Scrutiny Result (Even Semester 2018-19) |
Examinations |
30-08-2019 |
Challenge Evaluation Result (odd Semester 2018-19) |
Examinations |
30-08-2019 |
सम सेमेस्टर परीक्षा 2018-19 के चैलेंज मूल्यांकन फार्म भरे जाने के संबंध मे |
29-08-2019 |
Academic Calendar 2019-20 |
Admissions |
26-08-2019 |
Interview Schedule : Contractual Faculty CS/IT/MCA/ECE/EIE/Micro Electronics |
Vacany |
16-08-2019 |
M Tech Spot Counselling |
Admissions |
08-08-2019 |
Interview Schedule : Selection of Contractual Faculty on Consolidated Salary Micro Electronics |
Vacany |
05-08-2019 |
Interview Postponed : Contractual Faculty CS/IT/MCA/ECE/EIE/Micro Electronics |
Vacany |
05-08-2019 |
Advisory : Withdrawal of Admission for Newly Admitted Students 2019-20 |
Admissions |
05-08-2019 |
Interview Schedule : Selection of Contractual Faculty on Consolidated Salary |
Vacany |
04-08-2019 |
सम सेमेस्टर परीक्षा 2018-19 के स्क्रूटनी फार्म भरे जाने के सम्बन्ध में |
Examinations |
30-07-2019 |
Internal Sliding (Internal Branch Change/Adjustment) |
Admissions |
29-07-2019 |
Internal Sliding (Internal Branch Change/Adjustment) Format |
Admissions |
29-07-2019 |
Notice for Additional Date for Registration of New Students |
Admissions |
17-07-2019 |
Last date to Apply Online for Selection of Contractual Faculty on Consolidated Salary extended till 5th July 2019 1700 HRS |
Vacany |
02-07-2019 |
Fee Details for Second, Third and Final yr students 2019-20 |
Admissions |
28-06-2019 |
Registration Notice for Newly Admitted B. Tech., MCA & MBA student |
Admissions |
28-06-2019 |
Registration Notice for 2nd, 3rd and Final Yr students 2019-20 |
Admissions |
28-06-2019 |
Registration Notice for Newly Admitted M. Tech. students |
Admissions |
28-06-2019 |
Notice for Mess Fee for Newly Admitted Students 2019-20 |
Admissions |
21-06-2019 |
Selection of Contractual Faculty on Consolidated Salary |
Vacany |
19-06-2019 |
Walk In Interview (MIS Officer, Data Entry Operator, Messenger cum Dispatcher) for TEQIP III Office |
TEQIP III, Vacany |
15-06-2019 |
Fee Details for Newly Admitted Students for Session 2019-20 |
Admissions |
10-06-2019 |
Important Notice [Even Semester Examination 2018-19]: Examination of OE-081: Non Conventional Energy Resources is scheduled on June 07, 2019 (10:00 AM to 12:00 Noon) |
Examinations |
28-05-2019 |
Important Notice: Even Semester Examination 2018-19: Examination of RHU-002 shifted to 28.05.2019 (Morning shft) |
Examinations |
15-05-2019 |
Revised Dates of Even Semester Examination (May-June, 2019) of subjects ME-801, OE-083 and AUC-002 |
Examinations |
10-05-2019 |
Examinations |
04-05-2019 |
सम सेमेस्टर परीक्षा 2018-19 से संबंधित परीक्षा फार्म भरने की अन्तिम तिथि के संबंध में |
Examinations |
20-04-2019 |
Pass Out बैच के छात्रों के लिये सम सेमेस्टर परीक्षा 2018-19 के कैरी ओवर परीक्षा से संबंधित परीक्षा फार्म |
Examinations |
08-04-2019 |
सम सेमेस्टर परीक्षा 2018-19 से संबंधित नियमित परीक्षा एवं कैरी ओवर परीक्षा के परीक्षा फार्म |
Examinations |
08-04-2019 |
विषम सेमेस्टर 2018-19 के चैलेंज मूल्यांकन फार्म फार्म भरने की संशोधित अंतिम तिथि दिनांक 10-04-2019, 04:00 बजे |
Examinations |
06-04-2019 |
विषम सेमेस्टर परीक्षा 2018-19 के चैलेंज मूल्यांकन फार्म भरे जाने के सम्बन्ध में |
Examinations |
30-03-2019 |
विषम सेमेस्टर परीक्षा 2018-19 के स्क्रूटनी फार्म भरे जाने के सम्बन्ध में |
Examinations |
23-03-2019 |
Vacancy : Placement Cell |
Vacany |
07-03-2019 |
FOSSEE Summer Fellowship 2019 |
co-curriculars |
15-02-2019 |
प्रवेश के समय प्राप्त शिक्षण शुल्क में छूट की प्रतिपूर्ति उपरांत संस्थान में शुल्क जमा करना सुनिश्चित करें |
Admissions |
09-01-2019 |
विषम सेमेस्टर परीक्षा २०१८-१९ की जाची हुई थयोरी विषय की उत्तर पुस्तिकाएँ दिखाए जाने विषयक |
Examinations |
27-12-2018 |
Provisional Registration Even Semester for Academic Year 2018-19 - Reg |
Admissions |
26-12-2018 |
Refund of Caution Money 2018 Pass-outs |
Admissions, Examinations |
14-12-2018 |
Important Notice : Regarding Postponement of Examination 2018-19 of subject CE-035, CE-035, EE-704, ME-032, EC-021, IC-701, REC-101, MTEV023 |
Examinations |
13-12-2018 |
Notice Template Sample Question Paper Odd Sem 2018-19 |
Examinations |
10-12-2018 |
Odd Semester Examination Scheme for Additional Papers (Carry & Ex Students) Session 2018-19 |
Examinations |
05-12-2018 |
Odd Semester Theory Examination Scheme December 2018 |
Examinations |
30-11-2018 |
होमी भाभा टीचिंग एसिस्टेंट फेलोशिप स्कीम, टेकिप-III के अन्तर्गत पीएचडी पाठ्यक्रम में प्रवेशित हुए छात्रों के लिए सूचना |
Admissions |
28-11-2018 |
विषम सेमेस्टर परीक्षा 2018-19 की परीक्षा से संबंधित नियमित परीक्षा एवं कैरी ओवर परीक्षा के परीक्षा फार्म भरने की विस्तारित अंतिम तिथि के संबंध में |
Examinations |
16-11-2018 |
Pass Out बैच के छात्रों के लिये विषम सेमेस्टर परीक्षा 2018 (दिसम्बर, 2018 - जनवरी 2019) के कैरी ओवर परीक्षा से संबंधित परीक्षा फार्म भरने के संबंध में |
Examinations |
30-10-2018 |
विषम सेमेस्टर परीक्षा 2018-19 की परीक्षा से संबंधित नियमित परीक्षा एवं कैरी ओवर परीक्षा के परीक्षा फार्म के संबंध में |
Examinations |
29-10-2018 |
Elective Subject Confirmation Notice |
Admissions |
24-10-2018 |
Notice for Filing Up the Enrolment Form in Hard Copy |
Admissions |
04-10-2018 |
Academic Calendar 2018-19 |
Admissions |
28-09-2018 |
First Lecture by Padma Shri Prof. Y.S. Rajan in Dr. Kalam Memorial Distinguished Lecture Series |
co-curriculars |
26-09-2018 |
C.S.T.U.P., Engineering Students Project Grant Scheme 2018-19 |
co-curriculars |
26-09-2018 |
Registration Notice for Newly Admitted Students (2018-19) |
Admissions |
06-09-2018 |
Challenge Evaluation of Answer Books of Even Semester Examination 2017-18 |
Examinations |
01-09-2018 |
Revised Last Date for Scrutiny of Answer Books of Even Semester Examination 2017-18 |
Examinations |
27-08-2018 |
Internal Branch Sliding (B Tech 3rd Semester) |
Admissions |
23-08-2018 |
Scrutiny of Answer Books (Even Semester Examination, 2017-18) |
Examinations |
18-08-2018 |
MTech PhD Fee Structure for newly admitted students Session 2018-19 |
Admissions |
18-08-2018 |
Spot Counselling of M Tech |
Admissions |
11-08-2018 |
IInd Internal Sliding 2018-19 |
Admissions |
09-08-2018 |
Registration Notice for Students Admitted through Spot Counselling session 2018-19 |
Admissions |
08-08-2018 |
Registration Notice for Students admitted through Spot Counseling 1 |
Admissions |
08-08-2018 |
Registration Notice for Newly Admitted M. Tech. Students for the Session 2018-19 |
Admissions |
08-08-2018 |
Registration Notice for Newly Admitted M. Tech. students for the session 2018-19 |
Admissions |
06-08-2018 |
Interview for Assistant Professor Contractual scheduled on 1 Aug 2018 |
Vacany |
31-07-2018 |
Interview for Assistant Professor Contractual scheduled on 31 July 2018 |
Vacany |
30-07-2018 |
Interview for Assistant Professor Contractual scheduled on 30 July 2018 |
Vacany |
29-07-2018 |
Ist Internal Sliding 2018-19 |
Admissions |
25-07-2018 |
Selection of Contractual Faculty Written & Interview Notice |
Vacany |
24-07-2018 |
Induction Program B Tech 1st Year |
23-07-2018 |
Fee Structure New Admissions Lateral Entry 2018-19 |
Admissions |
19-07-2018 |
Registration Notice for Old Second, Third and Final Year Students for the Session 2018-19 |
Admissions |
18-07-2018 |
Admissions |
16-07-2018 |
Importing Notice : Reporting for 2018-19 |
Admissions |
14-07-2018 |
Selection of Contractual Faculty |
13-07-2018 |
Registration of Newly Admitted Students for the session 2018-19 |
Admissions |
13-07-2018 |
Selection for Contractual Faculty Positions - Detailed Information |
Vacany |
13-07-2018 |
Walk-in-Interview Scheduled from 13th July 2018 is postponed, Detailed Information will be available soon... |
Vacany |
11-07-2018 |
शैक्षिक सत्र २०१८-१९ में दशमोत्तर छात्रवृत्ति/शुल्क प्रतिपूर्ति के सम्बन्ध में |
Admissions |
09-07-2018 |
Mess Advance Notice for Newly Admitted Students |
Admissions |
04-07-2018 |
Final Year (Even Semester) Result, 2017-18 : B.Tech 8th Sem (All Branches) MCA 6th Sem, MBA 4th Sem Results have been declared. |
Examinations |
01-07-2018 |
शैक्षिक सत्र 2018-19 (द्वितीय/तृतीय/चतुर्थ वर्ष) से लागू शुल्क का विवरण |
Admissions |
27-06-2018 |
शैक्षिक सत्र 2018-19 (प्रथम वर्ष) से लागू शुल्क का विवरण |
Admissions |
26-06-2018 |
Written Examination of Open Elective : OE-081: Non Conventional Energy Resources on June 07, 2018: |
Examinations |
06-06-2018 |
Partial Modification in the Examination schedule of the subjects [ MTMC-043, MTMC-044, MTBT-031, HU-402, CS-085 ] of Even Semester Examination 2017-18 (May, 2018) |
16-05-2018 |
Final Schedule of Regular & Carry End Semester Examination ( B.Tech, MBA, MCA, M.Tech & Pre Ph.D) May-June 2018 |
Examinations |
09-05-2018 |
सम सेमेस्टर 2018 की परीक्षा से संबंधित परीक्षा फॉर्म के संबंध मे |
Examinations |
27-04-2018 |
विषम सेमेस्टर 2017-18 के चैलेंज मूल्यांकन फार्म भरे जाने के संबंध मे |
Examinations |
27-03-2018 |
Advertisement for the post of Junior Research Assistant / Senior Research Assistant for the CST, UP Sponsored Project |
Vacany |
23-03-2018 |
Advertisement for the post of Junior Research Assistant / Senior Research Assistant for the CST, UP Sponsored Project in the Dept. of Electronics Engg. |
Vacany |
23-03-2018 |
Online Subject Registration for Even Semester 2017-18 |
Admissions |
10-03-2018 |
Workshop on Product Design & Analysis |
Workshops |
20-02-2018 |
विषम सेमेस्टर 2017-18 के स्क्रूटनी फार्म भरने की संशोधित अंतिम तिथि दिनांक 28/02/2018, 04:30 PM बजे |
Examinations |
16-02-2018 |
विषम सेमेस्टर 2017-18 के स्क्रूटनी फार्म भरे जाने के सम्बन्ध में |
Examinations |
05-02-2018 |
Registration Notice (B Tech 1st Year Students) |
Admissions |
26-12-2017 |
Registration Notice for Even Semester of the session 2017-18 |
Admissions |
23-12-2017 |
Important Notice Regarding Carry Over Examination Form / Ex-Students Examination Form of Odd Semester Examination, 2017-18 |
Examinations |
01-12-2017 |
Important Notice Regarding Online Examination Form (Regular) of Odd Semester Examination, 2017-18 |
Examinations |
01-12-2017 |
AcSIR – Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Summer Training Program 2017. |
14-11-2017 |
Award of Fellowship under R&D Grant-in-aid Scheme of IEI |
co-curriculars |
02-11-2017 |
Walk in Interview (Medical Officer) |
03-10-2017 |
New Website for IET Lucknow |
27-09-2017 |
Walk in interview for the post of MIS Officer, Data Entry Operator and Messenger cum Dispatcher on contract basis at IET, Lucknow and AKTU, Lucknow |
13-09-2017 |
विश्वविद्यालय नामांकन फार्म दिनांक 21-09-2017 सायं 4:30 बजे तक पूर्ण कर जमा करें |
Admissions |
12-09-2017 |
Notice for SPOT COUNSELLING for vacant seats in B.Tech. and MCA on 31/08/2017- Applications invited till 2:00 PM on 31/08/2017 |
30-08-2017 |
Notice for SPOT COUNSELLING for vacant seats in M.Tech. on 31/08/2017- Applications invited till 3:00 PM on 31/08/2017 |
30-08-2017 |