Programmes Offered

Contractual Faculty

Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Name Designation E-Mail
Dr. Raji Assistant Professor (Contract) [email protected]
Master of Technology (STR) ( Structural Engineering )
Name Designation E-Mail
Mr. Abhishek Mishra Assistant Professor (Contract) [email protected]
Er. Prince Yadav Assistant Professor (Contract) [email protected]
Master of Technology (PES) ( Power and Energy System )
Name Designation E-Mail
Er. Adeeb Uddin Ahmad Assistant Professor (Contract) [email protected]
Dr. Arvind Kumar Assistant Professor (Contract) [email protected]
Master of Technology (Micro) ( Microelectronics )
Name Designation E-Mail
Er. Anurag Yadav Assistant Professor (Contract) [email protected]
Master of Technology (ME) ( Mechanical Engineering )
Name Designation E-Mail
Dr. Anurag Namdev Assistant Professor (Contract) [email protected]
Dr. Sunil Kumar Yadav Assistant Professor (Contract) [email protected]
Master of Technology (AIDS) ( Artificial Intelligence and Data Science )
Name Designation E-Mail
Dr. Promila Bahadur Associate Professor (Contract) [email protected]
Mr. Abhishek Singh Assistant Professor (Contract) [email protected]
Bachelor of Technology (CSE-AI) ( Computer Science and Engineering (AI) )
Name Designation E-Mail
Er. Deepa Verma Assistant Professor (Contract) [email protected]
Er. Deepali Avasthi Assistant Professor (Contract) [email protected]
Mr. Rakesh Kumar Gautam Assistant Professor (Contract) [email protected]
Mrs. Sakshi Srivastava Assistant Professor (Contract) [email protected]
Mr. Sandeep Kumar Yadav Assistant Professor (Contract) [email protected]
Mrs. Sonam Srivastava Assistant Professor (Contract) [email protected]
Mr. Varun Kumar Assistant Professor (Contract) [email protected]
Bachelor of Technology (CSE-SF) ( Computer Science and Engineering )
Name Designation E-Mail
Dr. Aditi Sharma Assistant Professor (Contract) [email protected]
Mr. Deepanshu Yadav Assistant Professor (Contract) [email protected]
Miss. Diksha Sharma Assistant Professor (Contract) [email protected]
Miss. Shradha Kesav Tripathi Assistant Professor (Contract) [email protected]
Displaying 1 - 76 of 76 publications


  1. Jolly Rastogi, Dr.Anoop Kumar Singh Dr.P.R.Dadhich • “An Analysis an interpretation of Micro financing institutions in India with special reference to their contribution in women empowerment”, Wesleyan journal of research, , , pp. 422-435, 2021.
  2. Devesh Shukla, S.P. Singh Aggregated Effect of Active Distribution System on Available Transfer Capability Using Multi-Agent System Based ITD Framework, IEEE Systems, , , pp. 1401-1412, 2021. Impact Factor : 3.931
  3. Yoggya Mehrotra, Shekhar yadav Coupled Bi-Orientation Octet Pattern for Medical Image Retrieval, 2020 IEEE 15th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems , IIT ROOPAR, , , , 2021.
  4. SushilKumar Singh, Amit Kumar SAMARJIT SINGH Abhishek Kumar, Anuj Jain Investigation of thermo-mechanical properties of surface treated SiO2/epoxy nanocomposite, Materials Today: Proceedings, , , pp. 2861-2865, 2021. DOI : 10.1016/j.matpr.2020.09.137


  1. Dr. Raji, Talent Management among Millennials: A Growing Buzz, Shodh Sanchar Bulletin journal of arts humanities and social sciences, , , pp. 120-125, 2020.
  2. Dr. Shilpi Jauhari, Mrs Jolly Rastogi An analysis and interpretation of role of Professional development skills, International journal of management, , , pp. 790-802, 2020. DOI : IJM_11_09_074 Impact Factor : 10.14
  3. Jolly Rastogi, Dr.Anoop Kumar Singh Dr.P.R.Dadhich “Performance Appraisal of Micro financing Institutions in India with special reference to Their contribution in women empowerment”, TEST(engineering and management), , , pp. 26464-26479, 2020. Impact Factor : .43
  4. Dr. Shilpi Jauhari, A study on Impact of Promotional strategies by Branded Fast Food Industry on Consumers, PalArch's Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology, , , pp. 7009-7020, 2020. Impact Factor : 1.5
  5. Dr. Shilpi Jauhari, A critical review of NPA management: Challenge for public sector banks, Adhayan, , , pp. 52-58, 2020.
  6. Dr.Supriya Awasthi, Jolly Rastogi • “A comprehensive study of role of MSME in reduction of poverty “, Shodh Sarita, , , pp. 98-102, 2020.
  7. SAMARJIT SINGH, Abhishek Kumar, Dharmendra Singh Enhanced microwave absorption performance of SWCNT/SiC composites, JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC MATERIALS, , , pp. 7279-7291, 2020. DOI : 10.1007/s11664-020-08460-9 Impact Factor : 1.774
  8. SAMARJIT SINGH, Abhishek Kumar, Smriti Agarwal, Dharmendra Singh Synthesis and tunable microwave absorption characteristics of flower-like Ni/SiC composites, JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS, , , pp. 166616, 2020. DOI : 10.1016/j.jmmm.2020.166616 Impact Factor : 2.717
  9. SAMARJIT SINGH, Anil Kumar Maurya, Rajeev Gupta, Abhishek Kumar, Dharmendra Singh Improved microwave absorption behavioral response of Ni/SiC and Ni/SiC/Graphene composites: A comparative insight, JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, , , pp. 153780, 2020. DOI : 10.1016/j.jallcom.2020.153780 Impact Factor : 4.65
  10. Shweta Singh, Rajendra Kumar Srivastava Anjali Rai Raft Foundation as the Sustainable Option for Medium Rise Buildings, Proceedings of IRAJ International Conference, , , , 2020.
  11. Devesh Shukla, S.P. Singh Real-time estimation of ATC using PMU data and ANN, IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, , , pp. 3604-3616, 2020. Impact Factor : 3.304
  12. Devesh Shukla, S.P. Singh Amit Kr. Thakur S. R. Mohanty ATC assessment and enhancement of integrated transmission and distribution system considering the impact of active distribution network, IET Renewable Power Generation, , , pp. 1571-1583, 2020. Impact Factor : 3.894
  13. Shweta Singh, Rajendra Kumar Srivastava Anjali Rai Piled Raft Foundation as the Sustainable Option for High Rise Buildings, Proceedings of IRAJ International Conference, , , , 2020.
  14. Aman Saini, Rajendra Kumar Srivastava Anjali Rai Analysis the Behavior of Shear Wall in High Rise Building, Proceedings of ASAR International Conference, , , , 2020.
  15. Durgesh Nandan Yadav, Anjali Rai Study of Wind Load on Tall RC Frame Building with Shear Wall in Coastal Region, Journal of Civil Engineering and Environmental Technology , , , , 2020.
  16. Dr. Mohit Kumar, Emergent Role Of Fintech In Financial Landscape: A Perspective On Banking Industry, International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research , , , pp. 4055-4058, 2020.
  17. Dr. Mohit Kumar, Dr. Rishish Mishra Prof. Supriya Agrawal User Behaviour and Digital Payment Ecosystem: An Audit of Connections between usage Attributes and Demographic Profile, International Journal on Emerging Technologies, , , pp. 935-938, 2020.
  18. Amit kr Thakur, S. P. Singh Devesh Shukla Sunil Singh Passive method for islanding detection using variational mode decomposition, IET RPG, , , pp. 3782-3791, 2020. Impact Factor : 3.894
  19. Shariqa Ali , Anjali Rai Seismic Analysis of Plan Irregular Multi-Storey Building Using IS 1893 (Part-1):2016 and its Comparison with IS 1893 (Part-1): 2002, Journal of Civil Engineering and Environmental Technology, , , , 2020.
  20. Shariqa Ali , Anjali Rai Study of RC Plan Irregular Multi-Storey Building with Is 1893 (Part-1):2002 and IS 1893 (Part-1):2016 using Response Soectrum Analysis, Journal of Civil Engineering and Environmental Technology, , , , 2020.
  21. Vivek Singh, Anjali Rai Seismic Analysis of Moment Resisting Frame Building with Steel Shear Walls and with Bracing System, Journal of Civil Engineering and Environmental Technology, , , , 2020.
  22. Vivek Singh, Anjali Rai Seismic Analysis of Steel Frame Building with Steel Shear Walls and Bracing System, Journal of Civil Engineering and Environmental Technology, , , , 2020.
  23. Sandeep Kumar, Anjali Rai Study of Wind Loads on Steel Building with and without Different Braced System, Journal of Civil Engineering and Environmental Technology, , , , 2020.
  24. Sandeep Kumar, Anjali Rai Lateral Load Analysis of Steel Building with and without Braced System, Journal of Civil Engineering and Environmental Technology , , , , 2020.
  25. Shubham Pandey, Anjali Rai Structural Analysis of Isolated Footing with and without Strap Beam, Journal of Civil Engineering and Environmental Technology , , , , 2020.
  26. Shubham Pandey, Anjali Rai Comparative Study of Different Types of Combined Footing for Small Residential Building, Journal of Civil Engineering and Environmental Technology, , , , 2020.
  27. Durgesh Nandan Yadav, Anjali Rai Study of Lateral Loads in Low Seismic Zone on a Tall RC Frame Building, Journal of Civil Engineering and Environmental Technology , , , , 2020.
  28. Ashutosh Singh, Anjali Rai Rajendra Kumar Srivastava Study of Sustainable Options of Super Structure of Navigational Bridges on Major Rivers, Proceedings of ASAR International Conference, , , , 2020.


  1. Dr. Raji, Dr. M.S.Khan A Study on the Impact of Talent Management Practices on Performance of the Select Indian Organizations, International Journal of Human Resource Management and Research, , , pp. 41-48, 2019.
  2. Dr. Raji, Dr. M.S.Khan Talent Management and Acquisition: A Concept of Human Resources Management, International Journal of Management Studies, , , pp. 58-63, 2019.
  3. Dr. Raji, Dr. M.S.Khan An Empirical study on Retention of employees in Start-ups, Review of Research, , , pp. 85-90, 2019. Impact Factor : 5.763
  4. Dr. Raji, Dr. M.S.Khan Influence of Demographic Variables on Talent Management Practices of Employee in Select Indian Organizations, Research Directions, , , pp. 170-180, 2019. Impact Factor : 5.7
  5. Yoggya Mehrotra, Brajesh kumar singh Shekhar Yadav Prediction of Acute Encephalitis Syndrome Using Multi-Layer Perceptron Artificial Neural Network, proceedings of international conference on advancements in computing and management, , , , 2019.
  6. Dr. Mohit Kumar, Prof. Kushendra Mishra Dr. Rishish Mishra

    Correlates of Financial Literacy: Strategic Precursor to Financial Inclusion

    , SCMS Journal of Management, , , pp. 16, 2019. Impact Factor : 30
  7. FA Khan , NY Yadav and F Beena Dr. Mohit Kumar Sustainability for the Community by the community:CSR and Community Involvement through Gamification, International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology , , , pp. 3087-3092, 2019.
  8. Dr. Mohit Kumar, Prof. Kushendra Mishra Correlates of financial Capability as a Strategic Precursor to Financial Inclusion: Selections from Uttar Pradesh, India, Finance India, , , , 2019.
  9. Dr. Rishish Mishra, Dr. Mohit Kumar Correlates of Work-Life Balance and Family Influence on Career Life Stages of Female Employees: Evidence from Literatures, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research , , , pp. 341-347, 2019.
  10. Dr. Mohit Kumar, Interplay between Financial capability and Demographic Profile: An exploratory study in Lucknow, Universal Review Journal , , , pp. 602-608, 2019.
  11. DR. MANISH SHARMA, PROF. SOMESH K SHUKLA Beginning of Consolidation in Indian Banking Sector: Measuring Operating Feasibility against Standard Benchmark: A Case Study of HDFC Bank Acquisition of Centurion Bank of Punjab, FMIR, ARMG Publication, Ukraine – Volume 3, Issue 1, , , , pp. 5-17, 2019.
  12. DR. MANISH SHARMA, MOHD AL NAJJAR Cross Border Acquisition of JLR: A Boon or Pain for Tata Motors, Scopus ABDC Journal JIBE - JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS, , , pp. 21-50, 2019. DOI :
  13. PROF V.B.SINGH, DR. MANISH SHARMA Analysis of Key Factors of Employee Retention: A Study of Selected Organized Retailer in Lucknow, SAJMS- South Asia Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies– Volume 5, Issue 4, , , , pp. 31-43, 2019. Impact Factor : 2.246
  14. Richa Pathak, Er. Amit Kumar Design and Analysis of an Energy Efficient Accuracy Configurable Adder, International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology, , , , 2019. Impact Factor : 7.429
  15. SAMARJIT SINGH, ABHISHEK KUMAR Selection of core-shell material-based electromagnetic wave absorbers in 2-18 GHz using TOPSIS and VIKOR ranking methods, DEFENCE SCIENCE JOURNAL, , , pp. 431-436, 2019. DOI : 10.14429/dsj.69.14946 Impact Factor : 0.73
  16. SAURABH, ANIL KUMAR MAURYA SAMARJIT SINGH Abhishek Kumar Microwave absorption performance of graphene nanoplatelets dispersed SiC, DEFENCE SCIENCE JOURNAL, , , pp. 437-441, 2019. DOI : 10.14429/dsj.69.14947 Impact Factor : 0.73
  17. ABHISHEK KUMAR, SAMARJIT SINGH Dharmendra Singh Effect of heat treatment on morphology and microwave absorption behavior of milled SiC, JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, , , pp. 1017-1023, 2019. DOI : 10.1016/j.jallcom.2018.09.136 Impact Factor : 4.65


  1. ABHISHEK KUMAR, SAMARJIT SINGH Development of Coatings for Radar Absorbing Materials at X-Band, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, , , pp. 330, 2018.
  2. Richa Pathak, Er. Amit Kumar A review of Approximate Adders for Energy Efficient digital signal processing, INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY, , , , 2018. Impact Factor : 7.211
  3. SAMARJIT SINGH, Sankal Shukla, Abhishek Kumar, Dharmendra Singh Influence of Zn dispersion in SiC on electromagnetic wave absorption characteristics, JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, , , pp. 448-460, 2018. DOI : 10.1016/j.jallcom.2017.12.190 Impact Factor : 4.65
  4. Dr. Shilpi Jauhari, Barriers In the Adoption of Mobile Wallet In reference to Lucknow city, International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, , , , 2018. Impact Factor : 7.95
  5. Yoggya Mehrotra, Dhananjay gupta Shekhar Yadav Issues and Challenges of Acute Encephalitis Syndrome (AES) at Water Borne Axis, Recent advancement in electrical and electronics engineering , mmmut gorakhpur, , , , 2018.
  6. SAMARJIT SINGH, Ankur Sinha, Raj Hemant Zunke, Abhishek Kumar, Dharmendra Singh Double layer microwave absorber based on Cu dispersed SiC composites, ADVANCED POWDER TECHNOLOGY, , , pp. 2019-2026, 2018. DOI : 10.1016/j.apt.2018.05.008 Impact Factor : 4.217


  1. Tulika Narang, Finding Clusters of Data: Cluster Analysis in R., Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Frontiers in Intelligent Computing: Theory and Applications. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 515. Springer, , , , 2017. DOI : 10.1007/978-981-10-3153-3_63
  2. DR. MANISH SHARMA, Measurement of Operating Performance of Vodafone-Hutch Deal against Threshold Line of Economic Value Added- Annals of Management Science, USA, Annals of Management Science, , , pp. 107-124, 2017.
  3. Dr. Shilpi Jauhari, A Study On Work Life Balance amongst working women in Public sector banks with special reference to Lucknow region, India, International Education and Research Journal,, , , , 2017. Impact Factor : 6.808
  4. SUSHIL KUMAR SINGH, SAMARJIT SINGH Abhishek Kumar, Anuj Jain Thermo-mechanical behavior of TiO2 dispersed epoxy composites, ENGINEERING FRACTURE MECHANICS, , , pp. 241-248, 2017. DOI : 10.1016/j.engfracmech.2017.09.005 Impact Factor : 3.426
  5. Yoggya Mehrotra, Shekhar yadav SAFE WASTE-WATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM IN REFERENCE TO ACUTE ENCEPHALITIS SYNDROME: A REVIEW, National conference on Emerging Trends in Science, Technology and Management, , , pp. 82-86, 2017.
  6. SAMARJIT SINGH, Gaurav Biswas, Abhishek Kumar Influence of pH and calcination temperature on magnetic properties of nanosized Zn-ferrite synthesized by sol–gel citrate method, International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology, , , pp. 23-29, 2017.
  7. Dr. Shilpi Jauhari, Six months after Indian Demonetization 2016- An impact study, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Review, , , pp. 191-199, 2017. Impact Factor : 4.16
  8. Abhishek Kumar, SAMARJIT SINGH Dharmendra Singh Development of Double Layer Microwave Absorber using Genetic Algorithm, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, , , pp. 234, 2017.


  1. SUSHIL KUMAR SINGH, SAMARJIT SINGH Raunak Kohli, Anuj Jain, Abhishek Kumar Effect of TiO2 Dispersion on Mechanical Properties of Epoxy Polymer, AIP Conference Proceedings, , , , 2016. DOI : 10.1063/1.4946637


  1. Dr. Mohit Kumar, Dr. Taruna Contrasting Levels of Financial Capability in India – An Exploratory Study, International Journal of Innovative Research and Development, , , pp. 320-324, 2015.
  2. Dr. Mohit Kumar, Dr. Taruna Devising Satisfaction Quotient in the Value Chain: A Case Study of AMUL, Global Journal for research Analysis, , , pp. 177-180, 2015.
  3. Shashi Prakash Tripathi, Tulika Narang Applying Model View View Model and Layered Architecture for Mobile Applications, Journal of International Academy of Physical Sciences, , , pp. 215-221, 2015.


  1. Tulika Narang, Prof. R. R. Tewari SOM based clustering of Web documents using an Ontology, International Journal of Engineering Research and Science and Technology , , , , 2013.


  1. Dr. S.K.Chaturvedi, Dr. Shilpi Jauhari Impact of Trade Openness on FDI in India after Globalisation, Journal of Asian Business Management, , , , 2012.
  2. Tulika Narang, Prof. R. R. Tewari Multilevel Approach to Ontology Driven Clustering of Web Documents, 11th International Conference on Information and Knowledge Engineering, IKE'2012, USA., , , , 2012.
  3. Dr. Shilpi Jauhari, Significance of Value Added concept in inter firm comparison of Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd. and Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd., The Manager, , , pp. 14-20, 2012.
  4. Dr. S.K.Chaturvedi, Dr. Shilpi Jauhari A Study on Beta Instability over Market Phases in Bombay Stock Exchange, International Journal of Rural Development and Management Studies, , , , 2012. Impact Factor : 1.14
  5. Dr. Shilpi Jauhari, Dr. S.K.Chaturvedi A comparative study of two major mutual funds of India in the era of change, Journal of Asian Business Management, , , , 2012.


  1. Dr. Alok Kumar Srivastava, Dr. Shilpi Jauhari Vivekanand Pandey Customer satisfaction in Commercial Banking Services, Journal of Motilal Rastogi School of Management, , , pp. 38-42, 2010.


  1. Dr. Shilpi Jauhari, ELSS- A Boom to taxpayer, The Manager, , , pp. 63-68, 2009.
  2. Dr. Shilpi Jauhari, Dr. J. N. Shukla A Case Study- Merger deal of Ranbaxy with Daiichi Sankyo, Management Today, , , pp. 47-52, 2009.
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Building a career in today’s world - Institute Expert Lecture