B Tech
Status of Project
As technology has advanced and sensors have become smaller, various efforts are being initiated to use current technology in many sectors to improve the existence of mankind. The healthcare sector is one of the most important fields of research where technology has been used. Healthcare services are unreasonably expensive for the needy ones in developing countries. As a result, this project attempts to address a current societal healthcare concern. The main purpose of the project was to build a remote healthcare system categorized into three phases. The First phase involved detection with the help of sensors of the patient's important signs, the second involved sending the data to a cloud location, and the third involved making data accessible to the remote person viewing from anywhere. The information can be accessed remotely, allowing a caretaker to monitor the health of the patient’s state when they are out of the hospital. I demonstrated an IoT architecture designed specifically for applications in the healthcare field. The purpose of this project was to create a Health Monitoring System that could be mass-produced and equipped with widely available sensors. As a result, the proposed design uses ESP8266 to record sensor data and relay it to the cloud, which will then be analyzed for viewing far away. The implementation of IoT will benefit people living in rural regions since they would be able to receive immediate care. If the general population is unaware of the available technologies. Patients will benefit if caretakers can teach them how to use technology ahead of time. The project aims to develop a better architecture that focuses on bringing IoT to rural health centers cheaply.
Students Involved
  • Aditya Singh
  • Bhagat Singh
  • Shiv Lal Chaudhary
Final Submission Date