Displaying 1 - 1 of 1
Book Chapter


  1. Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical and Modern Healthcare Informatics, Marut Nandan Tripathi , Arvind Kumar , 12 pages, Elsevier , 2024, ISBN : 978-0-443-21870-5,
Displaying 1 - 10 of 10 publications


  1. Pratibha Sharma, Kuwar Yatendra, Pushkar Tripathi, Arvind Kumar, Relay-Fuse Coordination for Enhanced Protection from Low Impedance fault in Radial Distribution Network, 2024 2nd International Conference on Advancements and Key Challenges in Green Energy and Computing, Ghaziabad, India, 2024, IEEE Xplore Digital Library, , pp. pp. 1-5, 2025. DOI : 10.1109/AKGEC62572.2024.10869275.
  2. Pratibha Sharma, Kuwar Yatendra, Pushkar Tripathi, Arvind Kumar, Impact of Integration of Renewable Energy on Protection of the Distribution System, 2024 2nd International Conference on Advancements and Key Challenges in Green Energy and Computing, Ghaziabad, India, 2024, IEEE Xplore Digital Library, , pp. pp. 1-6, 2025. DOI : 10.1109/AKGEC62572.2024.10868938.


  1. Pragya Mishra, Sachin Kumar , Arvind Kumar , Load Flow Analysis For AC/DC Distribution System Planning, "2024 15th International Conference on Computing Communication and Networking Technologies, Kamand, India,", IEEE Xplore Digital Library, , pp. pp. 1-6, 2024. DOI : 10.1109/ICCCNT61001.2024.10724928.


  1. Marut Nandan Tripathi, Arvind Kumar, Modeling of Bridge type Dual Active Converter for Power Flow Control of Hybrid Storage System in Electric Vehicles, 2023 International Conference in Advances in Power, Signal, and Information Technology, Bhubaneswar, India, 2023, IEEE Xplore Digital Library, , pp. pp. 247-253, 2023. DOI : 10.1109/APSIT58554.2023.10201762.
  2. Shreya Shukla, Sugam Kumar, Arvind Kumar; , Vedant Srivastawa, Pedestrian Safety Management System Using Automatically Retractable Bollards, 2023 3rd International Conference on Innovative Sustainable Computational Technologies, Dehradun, India, 2023,, IEEE Xplore Digital Library, , pp. pp. 1-6 , 2023. DOI : 10.1109/CISCT57197.2023.10351438.


  1. Arun Kumar Yadav, Arvind Kumar, Anurag Dwivedi, "Study of Modeling and Simulations of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor", International Journal of Power Electronics Controllers and Converters, , vol. 7, I, pp. 29-37, 2021. DOI : 10.37628/IJPECC
  2. Amit Kumar Tripathi, Arvind Kumar, Abhay Kumar Goel, Arun Kumar Yadav, "Modernization of Internet of Things", Journal of Current Trends in Signal Processing, , vol. 11, I, pp. 2321-4252, 2021. DOI : 10.37591/CTSP


  1. Arvind Kumar, Ajay Srivastava, High Performance Line Started PMSM: Modeling and Analysis, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication, vol. 8, 8, pp. 1576-1580, 2019.
  2. Arvind Kumar, Ajay Srivastava, Design and Analysis of High Performance Line Started Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor, International Conference Power Electronics, Intelligent Control and Energy Systems, IEEE Xplore Digital Library, , pp. 1073-1077, 2019. DOI : 10.1109/ICPEICES.2018.8897347


  1. Arvind Kumar, Ajay Srivastava, “Performance Comparison of Two Different Rotor Topologies of Line Start Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors”, International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology, , vol. 5, XII, pp. 2313-2318, 2017.
Displaying 1 - 19 of 19


  1. 3rd IEEE International Conference on Innovative Sustainable Computational Technologies (CISCT-2023) - Graphic Era Deemed to be University, Dehradun, India Author
  2. 2nd IEEE International Conference on Advances in Power, Signal, and Information Technology (APSIT 2023) - Institute of Technical Education and Research (ITER) Siksha 'O' Anusandhan Deemed to be University Khandagiri Square, Bhubaneswar-751030 Orissa, India Author
  3. IEI International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research in Engineering, Management & Medical Sciences (ICMREMMS-… - Rajshree Institute of Management and Technology, Bareilly, U.P., India Author
  4. 1st IEI International Conference on Modern Approaches in Engineering, Science and Management - Bansal Institute of Engineering and Technology, Lucknow, U.P., India Author
  5. International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering, Management & Science - Graphic Era Hill University, Bhimtal Campus, Nainital, Uttarakhand, India Author
  6. 14th International Conference on Research and Development of India as Multidisciplinary Approach - Shivalik College of Engineering, Dehradun, Uttarakhand Author
  7. One week International Short Term Course on Electric Vehicles: Design, Modeling and Simulation - Department of Electrical Engineering, College of Technology, G. B. Pant University of Agri. & Tech., Pantnagar, Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand, INDIA, in collaboration with Global Initiative of Academic Networks (GIAN), MHRD, Government of India Attendee
  8. One week International Short Term Course on Techno-Economics of Solar PV Energy Systems - Department of Electrical Engineering, College of Technology, G. B. Pant University of Agri. & Tech., Pantnagar, Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand, INDIA, in collaboration with Global Initiative of Academic Networks (GIAN), MHRD, Government of India. Attendee


  1. Design of IoT based Systems for Contemporary Applications and their Empowerment using Data Analysis - Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai, TN, India Attendee
  2. Advanced Semiconductor Materials and Devices: A Roadmap on Fabrication and Characterization - Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai, TN, India Attendee
  3. Exploring the Scope of Engineering Mathematics in Control System and Signal Processing - Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai, TN, India Attendee
  4. Exploring the impact of Emerging Technologies in Future Networks and Systems - Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai, TN, India Attendee
  5. Big Data Applications in Electrical Engineering - National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research, Chandigarh & Dr. Shakuntala Mishra National Rehabilitaion University, Lucknow, U.P. Attendee
  6. AI and Machine Learning - University Institute of Technology, Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh Attendee
  7. AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy sponsored FDP on "Emerging Technologies (IOT, Robotics &… - Centre for Development of Advanced Computing, Chandigarh Attendee
  8. Performing and Desiging Experiments on Virtual Platform - IIT Roorkee and M.J.P. Rohilkhand university, Bareilly Attendee
  9. Faculty Development Program on Recent Innovations in Renewable Energy Technologies and Smart Grids - Bansal Institute of Engineering and Technology, Lucknow, U.P., India Organizer
  10. Indian Electricity Rules and code of Practices - NITTTR Kolkata, West Bengal Attendee
  11. One week Short Term Training Program (STTP) on Power Electronics Applications in Power Quality, Drives and… - Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Kurukshetra, Kurukshetra, Haryana, India Attendee