Assistant Professor (Contract)

Displaying 1 - 8 of 8 publications
- kumar Vanshaj, Arti Chaurasiya, Abhishek Mishra, Analysis and Study the Behaviour of High Rise Residential Building in Different Soil Conditions of Seismic Zone 4, International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management , IJSREM, , pp. 1-3, 2022. Impact Factor : 1
- Abhishek Mishra, Anurag Tripathi, Kumar Vanshaj, EFFECT OF SEISMIC FORCES (ZONE 4) ON G+20 BUILDING WITH AND WITHOUT SHEAR WALL, International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science, IRJMETS, , pp. 1926-1933, 2022. Impact Factor : 1
- Abhishek Mishra, Shreyam Srivastava, Kumar Vanshaj, Comparative study of Multistoried Building with X & Inverted V Bracing, International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management , IJSREM, , pp. 1-5, 2022. DOI : 10.55041/IJSREM11995 Impact Factor : 1
- Shristy Malviya, Abhishek Mishra, Siddharth Singh, Anupam Pandey, A.K. Shukla, A Brief Review on Pervious concrete Designing and Modelling, International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, IJRPR, , pp. 260-263, 2022.
- Shobha Yadav, Kailash Narayan, Abhishek Mishra, Seismic Performance of Building with Different Concrete Encased Steel Composite Columns, International Journal of Engineering Research in Mechanical and Civil Engineering , IJERMCE, , pp. 1-5, 2019. Impact Factor : 3.8
- Shubham Srivastava, Kailash Narayan, Abhishek Mishra, Analysis of Composite Plates with Cut-Outs for Under- Ground Construction, International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research(JETIR), JETIR, , pp. 407-413, 2019. Impact Factor : 7.95
- Kajol Priya, Kailash Narayan, Abhishek Mishra, Seismic Response of Tall Buildings with Different Types of CFST Columns, International Journal of Engineering Research in Mechanical and Civil Engineering , IJERMCE, , pp. 1-5, 2019. Impact Factor : 3.8
- kumar Vanshaj, Abhishek Mishra, Earthquake Response of Structures Considering Soil-Structure Interaction: An Overview, Journal of Structural Technology, MAT journals, , pp. 1-6, 2019. DOI : Impact Factor : 5.48
Displaying 1 - 10 of 10
- Two day workshop on Transportation Engineering - Institute of engineering & Technology Lucknow Secretary
- Geoploymer Concrete - SRM Institute of Science and Technology Attendee
- Modern Trends in Transportation System (MTTS-2020) - National Institute of Technology Silchar Attendee
- Smart Solutions in Civil Engineering - SRM INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY (VMW5S8-CE000041) Attendee
- NATURAL VENTILATION AND BUILDING DESIGN IN TROPICAL REGIONS - School of Planning and Architecture, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh. (An Institute of National Importance under Ministry of Education) AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy Attendee
- Non Destructive Testing and Evaluation - National Institute of Technology, Srinagar AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Attendee
- Advanced Applications of Structural Concrete in Civil Engineering - K L Deemed to be University (NAAC A++ Accredited) Attendee
- Concrete Mix Design-CMD “Explore Modern Techniques of Concrete Mix Design - K. D. K. College of Engineering, Nagpur (NAAC & NBA accredited) Attendee
- AICTE Sponsored STTP on Structural Health Monitoring and Seismic Protection of Structures and Infrastructural Systems… - Bannari Amman Institute of Technology (An Autonomous Institution Affiliated to Anna University, Approved by AICTE, Accredited to NBA, New Delhi and NAAC with A Grade) XMGOXG-CE000006 Attendee
- Developing Scientific Paper Writing Skills and Research Ethics - Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University Lucknow (U.P.)-226 021 Attendee