System Manager
Warden Arya Bhatt Hostel (Dy Warden) +

Displaying 1 - 1 of 1 publications
- Pillai samaya, Bhattacharjee Siddharth, Nagar Abhishek, Nagar Abhishek. Pillai Samaya, Bhattacharjee Siddharth, Virtualization : A step towards Green IT, GIT2010 Green IT & Open Source, Sinhagad, , pp. pg 16-19, 2010.
Displaying 1 - 10 of 10
- ET Vision Conclave - ET Government & GoUP Attendee
- DrupalCon Global 2020 - Drupal Association Attendee
- Building Moodle based LMS - Chhatrapati Shahu Ji Maharaj University, Kanpur Expert
- Koha Admin Training - Best Book Buddies Attendee
- How Data Science is Transforming the Aerospace Industry - Virginia Tech Attendee
- Audio and Acoustic Signal Processing: The quest for High Fidelity Continues - Center of Advanced Studies, Lucknow Attendee
- Interactive Teaching and Experiential Learning - State Project Implementation Unit-Uttar Pradesh Attendee
- Digital Transformation in Teaching Learning Process - IIT Bombay Attendee
- Webinar on Virtual Labs - a Reality for Degree level institutions - IET Ayodhya Attendee
- Significat Role of E-education through Social Distancing During Lockdown of COVID-19 - State Project Implementation Unit-Uttar Pradesh Expert