Head Chemical Engineering Department
Warden DKNU Hostel +

Educational Qualifications
- B.Tech (Chemical): MNIT Jaipur, 1997
- M.Tech (Chemical): IIT, Kanpur, 2006
- Ph.D. (Chemical): IIT Roorkee, 2018
Research Interests
CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics), non-Newtonian flows across tube banks, Modeling and simulations of Chemical Engineering Processes, etc.
- Research papers in SCI International Journals
- Ram Pravesh, Amit Dhiman and R. P. Bharti, “Thermal features of mixed convection from an inline periodic array of circular in non-Newtonian power-law fluids” Case Study in Thermal Engineering, 36 (2022) 102175 (Publisher, Elsevier Science; Impact factor: 4.724)
- R. P. Bharti, R. P. Ram. A. K. Dhiman, "Computational analysis of cross-flow of power-law fluidsthrough a periodic square array of circular cylinders",Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1002/apj.2748, (Publisher, Wiley Impact factor: 1.447)
- Ram Pravesh, Amit Dhiman and R. P. Bharti, “Aiding buoyancy mixed convection flow and thermal features across a periodic array of heated cylinders” Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, 130, 1141-1162, 2019 (Publisher, Elsevier Science; Impact factor: 5.584).
- Ram Pravesh, Amit Dhiman and R. P. Bharti, “Non-Newtonian Power-Law Fluid’s Thermal Characteristics Across Periodic Array of Circular Cylinders” Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 41(2), 88(1-20), 2019. (Publisher, Springer; Impact factor: 2.220).
- R. P. Ram, R.P Bharti, A. K. Dhiman “Forced convection flow and heat transfer across an in-line bank of circular cylinders” The Canadian Journals of Chemical Engineering, 94(7), 1381-1395, 2016. (Publisher, Wiley ; Impact factor: 2.007).
- S. Sachdeva, R. P Ram, J.K. Singh, A. Kumar “Synthesis of anion exchange polystyrene membranes for the electrolysis of sodium chloride” AICHE Journal, 54 (4), 940-949, 2008. (Publisher, Wiley; Impact factor: 3.519).
- Research papers in International Conferences
- Ram, Dr. R. P. and Singh, Kuldeep and Rahul, Dr., Mixed Convection Dynamics of Newtonian Fluids from in-line Tube Banks Geometry (February 5, 2020). Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Chemical Engineering (AdChE) 2020, Available at Elsevier SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3682034 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3682034
- Kuldeep Singh, R. P. Ram, Shradha Rani Singh, “Hydrodynamics Studies in Packed Bed Columns Using Computational Fluid Dynamics: A review” International conference on Innovation and Opportunities in Chemical Engineering for Sustainable Environment and Energy” (IOCSE- 2020) organized by Department of Chemical Engineering, RBS Engineering and Technical Campus Agra during 27-29 Feb 2020 (Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, Springer, February 27-29, 2020, Page 37, ISBN 978-93-88244-41-1).
- Kuldeep Singh, R. P. Ram, Shradha Rani Singh, Ajay Sujan “Review of Computational Fluid Dynamics Investigations of Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer in Packed Bed Columns”, International Conference on Innovation and Opportunities in Chemical Engineering for Sustainable Environment and Energy” (IOCSE- 2020) organized by Department of Chemical Engineering, RBS Engineering and Technical Campus Agra during 27-29 Feb 2020 (Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, Springer, February 27-29, 2020, Page 62, ISBN 978-93-88244-41-1).
- Kuldeep Singh, R. P. Ram, Shradha Rani Singh, “Review of CFD Investigations of flow and heat transfer through packed bed” International conference on Energy, Environment and material sciences (ICE2M) 2019 at MMMUT Gorakhpur during 01-03 December 2019 (IEEE Conference ID; 48764; Page 38; Paper ID: 48).
- R. P. Ram, A. K. Dhiman, R. P. Bharti “Characteristics of Newtonian fluids for flow across a sparse array of circular cylinders” CHEMCON 2018, 71st Annual Session of Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers (IICHE) organized at Dr. B. R. Ambedkar National Institute of Technology Jalandhar during December 27-30,2018 (Souvenir, paper ID: CH O019).
- R P Ram, A. K. Dhiman, R. P. Bharti “Forced convection characteristics of non-Newtonian fluids over tube bank” 7th International and 45st National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power (FMFP 2018)” organized by Mechanical Engineering Department, I.I.T. Bombay during December 10-12, 2018, (Paper ID: FMFP 2018-Paper No. 31).
- Ram Pravesh, R.P Bharti, Amit Kumar Dhiman “Periodic Fluid Flow across an array of cylinders” An International Conference on Advances in Chemical Engineering (ACE 2013)” organized by Chemical Engineering Department, I.I.T. Roorkee during February 22-24, 2013. SOUVENIR, Paper ID: 00147, page. No.78.
- Ram Pravesh, A. K. Dhiman, R. P. Bharti “Estimation of drag coefficient for the fluid flow through periodic array of cylinders” CHEMCON 2013, 66TH Annual Session of Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers (IICHE) organized at Institute of Chemical Technology Mumbai during December 27-30,2013 (Paper ID: FMC 051).
- Ram Pravesh, R.P Bharti, A. K. Dhiman “Flow of non-Newtonian fluids through periodic array of circular cylinders” 5th International and 41st National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power (FMFP 2014)” organized by Mechanical Engineering Department, I.I.T. Kanpur during December 12-14, 2014, (Paper ID: FMFP-14-K1-103).
- Research papers in national Journals, Conferences and Seminars
- Rahul, Afjal Hussain, Alok Raj and R. P. Ram, “Aeration of volatile organic compounds by using gas dispersion impellers” National conference on pollution control technologies and sustainable development, organized by Chemical Engineering Department, MNIT Jaipur during October 03-04, 2019 (Paper ID: OP 034)
- R. P. Ram, “Characteristics of Non-Newtonian Fluids over Tube banks”, IRE J (2017). Vol. 1, issue 5, PP 23-28.
- D. Pratap, R. P. Ram, D. Singh “E-waste management: A Global Challenge of New Era” All India Seminar on Advances in Chemical Engineering, September 29-30, 2008, The Institution of Engineers (India) U.P. State Centre, Lucknow.
- R.P. Ram, Smita Gupta, M. K. Pal, “Green Energy (Biological Fuel Cell)” All India Seminar on Energy and environmental issues related to chemical industries, March 10th & 11th, 2007, The Institution of Engineers (India) U.P. State Centre, Lucknow.
- R.P. Ram, Matrika Gupta and Vani Tiwari, “Molecular Modeling of Templated Zeolite Synthesis” All India Seminar on Energy and Environmental issues related to Chemical Industries, March 10th & 11th, 2007, The Institution of Engineers (India) U.P. State Centre, Lucknow.
- Dhananjay Singh, R.P. Ram, Nathan Singh, “Pinch Technology: A Tool of Process Integration” All India Seminar on Energy and environmental issues related to chemical industries, March 10th & 11th, 2007, The Institution of Engineers (India) U.P. State Centre, Lucknow.
- R.P. Ram, Dhananjay Singh, Rahul Kumar, “Novel Invention of Nanotechnology- A carbon nanotubes” All India Conference on Enabling Technologies for Chemical Process Industries on 13th & 14th Nov 2009 Organized by Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers (IICHE), Kanpur Regional Center at CSJM, Kanpur.
- Rahul Kumar, R.P. Ram, C.B. Mazumdar, A.K. Mathur, “A Mathematical Model of Biofilter for Ammonia Removal: PH Parameter analysis and Leach Modeling” All India Conference on Enabling Technologies for Chemical Process Industries on 13th & 14th Nov 2009 Organized by Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers (IICHE), Kanpur Regional Center at CSJM, Kanpur.
- Tarun Krishna Jindal, Ranoo Pathak, Sandeep Kumar Verma, R.P. Ram, “Technical Energy Auditing using Pinch Technology” All India Conference on Enabling Technologies for Chemical Process Industries on 13th & 14th Nov 2009 Organized by Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers (IICHE), Kanpur Regional Center at CSJM, Kanpur.
National Conference Attended
- All India Conference on Enabling Technologies for Chemical Process Industries on 13th & 14th Nov, 2009 Organized by Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers (IICHE), Kanpur Regional Center at CSJM, Kanpur
Short Term Courses/ Seminars and Workshops Attended:
- A Short-Term Course on “process analysis and optimization use pinch technology”, during 26.12.2006-30.12.2006 at IIT Roorkee.
- A Short-Term Course on “MATLAB PROGRAMMING”, during 25.02.2008-29.02.2008 at NITTTR Chandigarh.
- A SERC School on “Newer Optimization Techniques for Chemical Engineering Applications”, during 09.06.2008-14.06.2008 at IIT Kanpur.
- A Short-Term Course on “Futuristic Nanocomposites”, during 08.12.2008-12.12.2008 at IIT Kanpur.
- A Short-Term Course on “Modeling and Simulation of Chemical Processes”, during 24.02.2009-28.02.2009 at HBTI Kanpur.
- A Seminar on “Sanitation – The Challenges Ahead” by Civil Engineering Department, I.E.T. Lucknow o March 26, 2008.
- A Workshop on Practical’s on MATLAB for B. Tech courses” by Electronics department, I.E.T. Lucknow during April 08-10.
- Training on Campus Wide Networking conducted by Spanco Limited from 15.03.2009- 23.03.2009 at IET Lucknow.
- A summer school on Research Methodology and Probability and Statistical Tools for Researchers at IET Lucknow from 30.03.2009 – 28.04.2009.
- A Short-Term Course on “Modeling and simulations using Finite Element Methods”, during 07.01.2014-11.01.2014 in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and organized by QIP Centre of IIT Roorkee.
- A Workshop on “Future Trends in Chemical Engineering” Chemical Engineering department, I.I.T. Roorkee on August 18, 2012.
- A Workshop on “Failure analysis and life assessment” organized by Mechanical Engineering department, I.I.T. Roorkee on March 14, 2015.
- An FDP on Formal Methods and Verification of Large Systems organized by CSED, IET, Lucknow Under TEQIP-II during 28.12.2015-29.12.2015.
- A Short-Term Course on ASP.NET organized by CSED, IET, Lucknow in collaboration with NITTTR, Chandigarh during 23.05.2016-27.05.2016.
- NBA Workshop on SAR Filling through Active Instructional Methods organized by IET, Lucknow in collaboration with ESCI Hyderabad during 12.8.2016-13.08.2016.
- A short-Term Course on Nurturing innovation for IP Creation and Management during 13.9.2016-17.9.2016 organized by QIP Centre of IIT Roorkee.
- Pedagogy and Management Capacity Enhancement Program for Teaching Staff organized by ESCI Hyderabad at Andaman and Nicobar during 17.3.2017-19.3.2017.
- One-week workshop/STC on Active learning, autonomy, academic governance and R & D during 02.07.2018-06.07.2018 organized by department of management studies, IIT Roorkee.
- A workshop on “NBA Accreditation-Criteria, Process & Execution on 11th and 12th September 2018 organized by SPIU-UP under TEQIP-III at Lucknow.
- A Short-Term Course on “Safety aspects of storage, handling and transportation of petroleum products”, during organized by Chemical Engineering Department at MNIT Jaipur.
- An annual sports fest SHAURYOTSAVA during 11.02.2016-13.02.2016, secured 2nd position in 100m marathon at IET Lucknow.
- One-week FDP on Advances in Renewable and Bioenergy during 19.10.2019-23.10.2019 organized by Chemical Engineering Department, I.E.T Lucknow-21.
- A workshop on “Recent aspects of power system optimization on 30th and 31th August 2019 organized by Electrical Engineering Department, I.E.T Lucknow-21.
- NPTEL-AICTE 12week course “Flow through porous media” during July-Oct 2019 equivalent to 1.5 FDP (Got Elite Certificate).
- One day workshop on “Gender Sensitization and Woman Empowerment conducted on 22nd Feb, 2020 organized by SPIU-Uttar Pradesh Unit at Lucknow under TEQIP-III.
- One day workshop on “Micro review of Program Preparedness for NBA Accreditation” on 5th March, 2020 under TEQIP-III organized by SPIU-Uttar Pradesh Unit at Lucknow.
- Certificate of participation in India First Leadership Talk Webinar with Prof. D. P. Singh Chairman UGC, organized by MHRD’s Innovation Cell on 9th May 2020.
International Conference Attended
- An international conference on Ayurvedic Bhasam and Nanomedicines by OMICS Biotechnology, USA, ACS Bioinformatics, India and science awareness society India at Biotech Park Lucknow, India on 22nd December 2007.
- An International Conference on Recent Trends in Management, Technology and Environment during 28th & 29th Nov 2009 at SDCET, Muzaffarnagar.
- An International Conference on Advances in Chemical Engineering (ACE 2013)” organized by the Chemical Engineering Department, I.I.T. Roorkee during February 22-24, 2013.
- An international conference “CHEMCON 2018”, 71st Annual Session of Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers (IICHE) during December 27-30, 2018 organized at Dr. B. R. Ambedkar National Institute of Technology Jalandhar.
- An International Conference on Defence and Space Technologies, ICDST 2019” organized by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, I.E.T. Lucknow during August 23-25, 2019.
- Delivered an invited talk on “CFD- Innovations, Applications and Future Research Scopes” in International Conference on Innovations and Opportunities in Chemical Engineering for Sustainable Environment and Energy” (IOCSE-2020) organized by Department of Chemical Engineering, RBS Engineering Technical Campus, Bichpuri, Agra. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, Springer, February 27-29, 2020, Page 34, ISBN 978-93-88244-41-1.
- Chaired Technical Session-II on 27th Feb, 2020 in an “International Conference on Innovations and Opportunities in Chemical Engineering for Sustainable Environment and Energy” (IOCSE-2020) organized by Department of Chemical Engineering, RBS Engineering Technical Campus, Bichpuri, Agra, Feb 27-29, 2020.
Displaying 1 - 2 of 2 publications
- R. P. Bharti, R. P. Ram, A. K. Dhiman, Computational analysis of cross-flow of power-law fluids through a periodic square array of circular cylinders, Asia Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, Wiley, , pp. 1-25, 2022. DOI : 03.02.2022 Impact Factor : 1.777
- Ram Pravesh, Amit Dhiman, R. P. Bharti, Thermal Features of mixed convection from an inline periodic array of circular cylinders in non-Newtonian power-law fluids, Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, Elsevier, , pp. 1-17, 2022. DOI : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.csite.2022.102175 Impact Factor : 6.268