Additional Responsibilities
Chairman ISSACCEducational Qualifications
Research Interests
Power System
Contact no.- 9415969222
Address: T- IV, 202 A Block
IET Campus,
Lucknow- 226021
Email- [email protected]
- To contribute in a challenging environment with my skills and abilities to help & achieve the Organization’s goals and objectives.
Academic Qualification
- PhD from Dr APJ Abul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow.
- M.E. from University of Roorkee, Roorkee in the field of Electrical Engineering (Measurement & Instrumentation) in the year 2000.
- B. Tech. from Harcourt Butler Technological Institute, Kanpur in the field of Electrical Engineering in the year 1998.
- Intermediate from U.P. Board in the year 1991.
- High school from U.P. Board in the year 1989.
Work Experience
Linguistic Proficiency
Member of Professional Bodies
Vocational Training
Research Project
Extra-Curricular Activity
Technical Achievement/Publication
- Worked as Assistant Professor (Grade Pay 6000) at KNIT, Sultanpur from 25th November 2000 to 24th November 2005.
- Worked as Assistant Professor (Grade Pay 7000) at KNIT, Sultanpur from 25th November 2005 to 23rd September 2008.
- Worked as Assistant Professor (Grade Pay 7000) at IET, Lucknow from 24th September 2008 to 31st December 2011.
- Working as Assistant Professor (Grade Pay 8000) at IET, Lucknow from 1st January 2011 to 31st December 2014.
- Working as Associate Professor (Grade Pay 9000) at IET, Lucknow from 1st January 2014 to till now.
- Professional member of IFERP
- Short term training program on, ”Neural Networks and advanced computing techniques” at BIET, Jhansi, Dec 18-30, 2000.
- Short term training program on, ”Communication skills” , at IIT, Kanpur, Oct 18-23, 2004.
- Short term training program on, ”Concepts and technology of FACTS”, at Guru Nanak Dev Engg College, Ludhiana, Punjab, Dec 20-31, 2004.
- Workshop on, “ Mechatronics and its applications” at KNIT, Sultanpur, Dec 13-14, 2005.
- Workshop on, “ Computer Networking” at KNIT, Sultanpur, Nov 18-19, 2005.
- Workshop on, “Environmental Studies” at KNIT, Sultanpur, Jan 23 ,2006.
- National Conference on “Technical Challenges in Power Systems” at KNIT, Sultanpur, March 24-25, 2006
- A course on “ E-learning Tools and Technology” from 16th July to 1st August 2008 by DOEACC Society.
- Short term training program on, ” Bio-Medical Signal Processing”, at IIT,Roorkee, June 29-3.7. 2009.
- Workshop on “FACTS and their application in Emerging Power System” at IIT Kanpur March 23-27, 2009
- Workshop on “Real Time Simulation” at IET Lucknow 26th September 2011.
- Workshop on “Emerging Technologies for Collaborative Health Care for the Nation” at SGPGIMS, Lucknow May 13-14 2011.
- Workshop on "Industry Academia Interaction for Innovation and Quality Technical Education: A Path forward for 2020” at IET Lucknow September 04, 2013.
- Workshop on "Energy efficiency" by Petroleum Conservation Research Association "on 18-03-2015.
- Organized a workshop on “Industrial workshop on oil conservation” held on 25.03.2015
- Organized a workshop on “Advances in Electrical Engineering-2015” held on 25.04.2015
- Organized a 46th Engineers Day with Mentoro Consultancy Services on Sept 15,2013.
- Short term training program on, ” ASP.NET”, by NITTR, Chandigarh, at IET, Lucknow, June 23- to june 27, 2016.
- Workshop on "Outcome based Education and NBA Accreadiation" by Engineering staff college of India in collaboration with SPFU (Uttar Pradesh) from July 01 to July 03, 2016.
- Workshop on "SAR Filling through Active Instructional Methods" by Engineering Staff College of India in collaboration with IET, Lucknow from August 12 to August 13, 2016.
- Organized a National Conference NCETEEE'16 at IET Lucknow from August 19 to August 20, 2016
- Short term training program on, "Recent Advances on Renewable energy Technologies and Smart Micro- Grids. at KNIT, Sultanpur from September 13- 17, 2016.
- Faculty Development Programme on "Internet of Things" by ESCI from March 06-10 2017.
- Faculty Development Programme on "Pedagogy and Management Capacity Enhancement Program for Teaching Staff" by ESCI from March 17-19, 2017.
- Short term training program on, "Electrical Power System" from 12th june 2017 to 15th July 2017 organized by IIT Kharagpur .
- Participated in “COLOROTHON, season 9” held on 28th Jan 2018 at Ram Manohar Lohia Park, Lucknow.
- Organized a two day FDP on "Smart Grid Technologies "on 16-17 Feb 2018 at IET Lucknow.
- workshop on Renewable Energy and Environment" on 27th Feb 2018 at IET, Lucknow
- Faculty Development Programme on "Human Values and Professional Ethics” at IET, Lucknow from July 13 to July 20 2018.
- Startup conclave “ Educate to Innovate” at ESCI campus Hyderabad on 27th, 28th 29th July 2018.
- Faculty Development Programme on "Smart Grid & Automation” at IET, Lucknow from July 27 to July 31st 2019.
- Organized a three-day International Conference on "Defense and Space Technologies- ICDST 2019 "on 23-25 August 2019 at IET Lucknow.
- Faculty Development Programme on "Advances in Renewable and Bioenergy” at IET, Lucknow from October 19th to July 23rd 2019.
- Participated in an IEEE International Conference on “Computation, Automation and Knowledge Management (ICCAKM 2020) from 09th -11th Jan 2020 at Dubai.
- Workshop on “Sensitization and Women empowerment” conducted on 22 Feb 2020.
- NPTEL on line certification on “Enhancing Soft Skills and Personality” with score 89% (08 week course).
- Attended the International webinar on “Nutrivigilance Against COVID -19” conducted on 20th April 2020.
- Completed an consultancy work “ to investigate the originality and genuinity of the electrical fitting installed by UPRNN at Clock Tower, Lucknow University and La Martinier Girls College Lucknow (Project Cost 10 Cr).
- Completed a Testing work “to investigate the parameters of wire to be used in a building” of Awas Vikas parishad.
- Completed Research Project on “Experimental study of Correlation between Phonocardiogram and Electrocardiogram” funded by Council of Science and Technology, U.P. 2010-2012. Project Cost 5,86000=00
- Completed CST, UP Project on “Condition Monitoring, Fault Diagnosis in the induction motor by transformation techniques” sanctioned for the year 2015-2017. Project Cost 6,32000=00
- Research Project on “Development of Prototype Model for Instrument to detect Murmers by simultaneously using ECG and PCG signals" funded by Council of Science and Technology, U.P. for 2017-2020. Project Cost 7,90000=00
- Worked as a Hostel Warden at KNIT, Sultanpur
- Worked as officer incharge of EPBAX, KNIT Campus, Sultanpur.
- Worked as Dy. Officer incharge of internet KNIT Campus, Sultanpur.
- Worked as a Head /Dy. Head/Examiner for the subjects in the field of Electrical Engg in GBTU.
- Delivered an expert lecture on FACTS at ETI, Lucknow.
- Delivered an expert talk on “Basics of Electrical Engg” at KNIT Sultanpur.
- Worked as flying squad team Leader/ member for GBTU Exams.
- Worked as Dy incharge, Electrical Maintenance, IET, Lucknow.
- Dy Coordinator Instech Students sports and Cultural Council, IET, Lucknow
- Worked as a Hostel Warden at IET, Lucknow
- Working as Incharge, Electrical Maintenance, IET, Lucknow.
- Worked as Joint Co-coordinator in UPSEE-2016 ( Uttar Pradesh State Entrance Exam)
- Worked as Class Room incharge, in IET, Lucknow
- Worked as convener M.Tech (Electric Drive and Control) in IET, Lucknow
- Worked as Head of the Department at IET, Lucknow
- S. Singh, A.S.Pandey and K.S. Verma, “Facts Devices in Open Market: An Overview and Key Issues” Proceedings of National conference at KNIT, Sultanpur, March 24-25, 2006, pp. 232-240.
- S. Singh, and K.S. Verma, “Optimal Location of UPFC and Impact of its Parameter on Power System Performances”, Proceedings of National conference at KNIT, Sultanpur, March 24-25, 2006.
- S. Singh, and K.S. Verma, “Direct Load Flow Control using UPFC in open Power Market”, Proceedings of National conference at MMMEC, Gorakhpur, Feb 17-18, 2006,
- S. Singh, Anurag Tripathi and K.S. Verma, “A New Technique to Implement SVC in Optimal Power Flow”,ARPN Journal of Engineering and applied Sciences, vol,6 No5, May 2011. (scopus)
- S. Singh and K.S. Verma, “A New Method to Incorporate TCSC in Optimal Power Flow using Genetic Algorithm”, Journal of Engineering and applied Sciences, vol,6 No7, July 2011. (scopus)
- S. Singh and K.S. Verma, “Optimal Power Flow using Genetic Algorithm and Particle Swarm Optimization, volume -2, Jan 2012, pp 044-49. IOSR journel of engineering.
- Gaurav Kumar, S. Singh and Bharti Dwivedi, “A New Technique of simultaneous Measurement of ECG and PCG signals”, accepted in the Journal of Instrumentation Technology & Innovations. Volume 1, Issue 1, July, 2011, Pages 1-7
- Gaurav Kumar, Satyendra Singh, Bharti Dwivedi, “ Heart Activity: An Engineering Perspective”, the 2012 International conference on bioinformatics & computational Biology (BIOCOMP’12), July 16-19 2012 Monte Carlo Resort, Las Vegas Nevada, USA.
- Rakesh Sharma, Kuldeep Sahay, Satyendra Singh, “Effects of Varying Load on DC- Link Voltage in DFIG Based Wind Energy Conversion System”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering” , Vol. 3, Issue 5, May 2014
- Rakesh Sharma, Kuldeep Sahay, Satyendra Singh, “Modeling and Simulation of Fixed and Variable Speed of DFIG Wind System”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering” , International Journal of Recent Development in Engineering and Technology, Volume 2, Issue 5, May 2014)
- Satyendra Singh, K. S. Verma," Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Multi Objective Optimum Power Flow with Valve Point Loading Incorporating SVC" IJRDET Volume 4 Issue 6 June 2015.
- J.K, Sahni, K.Sahay, Satyendra Singh, "Comparative Study of Induction Motor Stator Current using FFT and Wavelet" i -manager's Journal on Digital Signal Processing, Volume -4, No4 Dec 2016.
- J.K, Sahni, K.Sahay, Satyendra Singh, "An FFT based Approach to Detect the Bearing and Rotor Fault in a Single Phase Induction Motor on Load” i -manager's Journal on Digital Signal Processing, Volume -5, No2 page 15-21 June 2017.
- J.K, Sahni, K.Sahay, Satyendra Singh, "Experimental Analysis of Single Phase Induction Motor Stator Current on no Load using MCSA" National Conference held at IET, Lucknow during 19th -20th August, 2016.
- S. Yadav, V.K. Singh, Satyendra Singh, "Particle Swarm Optimization based Shunt Active Filter for Harmonic Compensation"4th IEEE Conference (UPCON-2017) 26-28 Oct. 2017 Date Added to IEEE Xplore: 11 January 2018 DOI: 10.1109/UPCON.2017.8251080 (scopus).
- S. Yadav, Satyendra Singh, "Ant Colony Optimization based Shunt Active Filter for Harmonic Compensation" i -manager's Journal on Electrical Engineering, Volume -11, No1 July-Sept 2017.
- Vikas Verma, Bharti Dwivedi, Satyendra Singh and Gaurav Kumar “A Novel Approach to Study Electrical, Mechanical and Hydraulic Activities of Heart and Their Coordination Based on ECG and PCG” International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 14, Number 2, 2019
- Abhinav Srivastava and Satyendra Singh, “ Implementation of Ant Colony Optimization in Economic Load Dispatch Problem” IEEE Conference (SPIN-2020) 27-28 Feb 2020 Date Added to IEEE Xplore: 20 April 2020 DOI: 10.1109/SPIN48934.2020.9071407 (scopus).
- Shivam Varshney and Satyendra Singh, “Computation of Biological Murmurs in Phonocardiogram Signals using Fast Fourier & Discrete Wavelet Transform” IEEE Conference (ICCAKM-2020) 9-10 Jan 2020 Date Added to IEEE Xplore: 02 April 2020 DOI: 10.1109/ICCAKM46823.2020.9051549 (scopus).
- Shivam Varshney and Satyendra Singh, “Murmur Detection in PCG signals using DWT Entropy and Feature Clustering” accepted in IEEE Conference (IEEE CONECT-2020 Date of Conference 2-4 July 2020 DOI : 10.1109/CONECCT50063.2020.9198548 (scopus).
- CP Verma, KS Verma and Satyendra Singh “ Optimization Models for Integrated Renewable Energy source” International conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ICE3-2020) 14-15 Feb 2020 at MMMTU Gorakhpur Date of Conference: 14-15 Feb. 2020 Date Added to IEEE Xplore: 23 June 2020 DOI: 10.1109/ICE348803.2020.9122820 (scopus).
- Abhinav Srivastava and Satyendra Singh, “ Implementation of Ant Colony Optimization and Particle Swarm Optimization in Economic Load Dispatch Problem using Renewable source” IEEE Conference (INDICON-2020) 10-13 Dec 2020. DOI: 10.1109/INDICON49873.2020.9342190
- Singh, S.K, Singh, S, Sharma, R., Dynamic Performance Analysis of Grid-Connected Wind-DFIG System using STATCOM-SESS, 9th IEEE Uttar Pradesh Section International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering, UPCON 2022, IEEE Xplore, , 22446983, , 2022. DOI : 10.1109/UPCON56432.2022.9986443
- Sharma, R, Sahay, K, Singh, S, A SDTOGI based speed control method for SPMSG in WECS, International Journal of Emerging Electric Power Systems, , , , 2022. DOI : https://doi.org/10.1515/ijeeps-2022-0174
- Abhinav Srivastava , Satyendra Singh, Implementation of Ant Colony Optimization and Particle Swarm Optimization in Economic Load Dispatch Problem using Renewable source, IEEE Xplore, , , , 2020. DOI : DOI: 10.1109/INDICON49873.2020.9342190