B Tech
Status of Project
Due to the increase in technology humans become addicted to it. The technology which was built earlier has been modified and redeveloped to form a new one with less efforts, better results, less weight, high resolution and precise control. In this paper we are developing such a system which will eliminate the weight and increase the precise control of the steering system. With the help of a quadrature rotary encoder, we are going to record the rotation of the steering, this record is then processed and used to control the hydraulic system. The Hydraulic system is connected to the Ackermann steering mechanism where for each degree of rotation of the steering wheel there is a result in movement of hydraulic piston. This will create the wheels to rotate back and forth using steering.
Students Involved
Mukil Kumar (1900520310036) Aalok Nautiyal (1900520310001) Akhand Agarwal (1900520310010) Naman Singh (1900520310038)
Final Submission Date