Ashish Kumar Rao (PhD/15/ECE/2051)

This thesis considers two practical constraints, CR node mobility and non-time-slotted primary user activity for the FD-CRN sensing performance evaluation. The Rayleigh and Nakagami-m distributed fading channels are used to examine the sensing performance. The impact of channel estimation error and RSI on the sensing performance is also studied. In the thesis, the analysis of non-time-slotted primary activity with CR mobility under the Rayleigh fading environment for FD-CRN is reported. The expressions of the detection and false alarm probabilities are derived considering ED.

Ashwani Kumar (2000521195003)

RFID chipless tags is a tracking method that employs radio frequency to find, recognize, find, and communicate with together individuals and objects. Smart labels called RFID chipless tags have the ability to store a wide choice of informative data, including brief descriptions about the item, serial numbers and several page information. An RFID reader works as a network connected module which can be used as either a portable device or a fixed device. Through radio waves, the reader emits impulses that turn-on the RFID communication tag.

Kailash Kushwaha (2000521195006)

A traveling wave tube (TWT) amplifier has been an important device used in the application of satellite and radar communication in the last few decades. It offers a better power level among other solid-state devices in between the frequency range (80-300 GHz), resulting in a wide area of application such as wireless communication, plasma diagnostic, and healthcare where high power at millimetre waves is required in small size.

Aditya Aron (2000521195001)

This study report is divided into two parts. In first part, analysis of physical and chemical properties of various shielding materials are done and shielding effectiveness of various materials with respect to frequency are compared. On the basis of shielding effectiveness obtained, best material for shielding is estimated. After estimation of best material for shielding, special technique is incorporated to intensify the capability of shielding of same material. In second part, an electronic circuit is implemented in electromagnetic wave environment.

Priyanka Pandey (1805267008)

Frequency divider requirements in modern wireless transmission systems are getting more and more stringent. These specifications are a result of the different radio standards that today's mobile devices must comply with. The challenge of constructing frequency dividers with multi-band functionality increases as a result of this multi-standard support. In this thesis, basically, an outline of a design approach for high frequency divider circuit is presented.

Neeraj Kumar (1805267004)

Cellular Base Stations transmits and receive high frequency EM waves for wireless communication with cell phone terminals. Due to massive use of different telecom services, a huge pool of frequencies are required and thus the frequency demand increases with advancement in generation of mobile communications [2G to 5G and higher generation. With these advancements, electromagnetic pollution also increases.

Nidhi Srivastava (1805267005)

This study comprises of two stages. In the first stage investigation of 5 substrate materials is done to find out which one among them is the best. And then in the second stage antenna parameters are improved by using a superstrate cover of Teflon.
In the first stage a total of 5 discrete substrate materials have been analyzed for antenna throughput. Graphene centered circular patch microstrip antenna using Gallium Arsenide as substrate shows maximal return loss of -47.607 dB with a VSWR of 1.008 followed by Arlon Ad 430 which has return loss of -40.854 dB with VSWR of 1.018.

Richa (1805267010)

LNA performance decides the performance of wireless RF system. Many tradeoffs include in the design of LNA. The challenges involved in the design of the RF system are presented in this thesis. Description of the all-important parameter performance is given in thesis.