Displaying 1751 - 1757 of 1757 publications


  1. Manish Gaur and Shirshu Verma, Switching networks for rural networks, In Proceedings of the National Conference on Telecommunications for Rural India, , , , 2002.


  1. Seethalekshmi K, U.C. Trivedi M. Ramamoorty Locational pricing under transmission constraints in an interconnected power system, Proc. National Power Systems Conference 2000, , , , 2000.
  2. Seethalekshmi K, U. C. Trivedi M. Ramamoorty Islanding system for a Captive Power Plant- A Case Study, Proc. National Power Systems Conference 2000, , , , 2000.


  1. Shailendra Sinha , Rajeev Kumar Kuldeep Sahay B.B. Singh Effective maintenance Strategies for wind Energy Conversion System, National Conference on Wind Energy Commercialization, MACT, Bhopal, March 5-6, 1999, , , , 1999.


  1. M. S. Singh , Subodh Wairya Computer Application in Simulation Study of Electric Drives, Eighth Annual Conference of Vijnana Parishad of India with Special Theme on Computer Applications in Mathematics, Science and Engineering, , , , 1998.


  1. Manish Gaur and R B Patel, Industry academia interaction towards increased productivity and better research and development, In Proceedings National Conference on Industry Academia Interaction, , , , 1993.