Displaying 1751 - 1799 of 1799 publications
- Shailendra Sinha, A.K.Agarwal , Combustion characteristics of Rice bran oil derived biodiesel in a transportation diesel engine, ICES 2006-1375, Proceedings of ICES 2006, ASME I.C. Engine divison 2006 spring technical conference, May 7-10, 2006,Aachen, Germany, , , pp. 333-340, 2006.
- Divakar Yadav, Michael Butler Development of Distributed Transaction in Event-B, Intermediate Report on Methodology, European Union IST project RODIN Deliverable D19 , , , pp. 58-65, 2006.
- Divakar Yadav, Michael Butler Rigorous Design of Fault-Tolerant Transactions for Replicated Database Systems Using Event B, Springer Verlag, , , pp. 343–363, 2006.
- R.K.Singh, Vishal Kesari P.K. Jain B.N. Basu, "Start oscillation current and coupling coefficient optimisation for gyrotrons", Indian National Conference On Microwave Antenna and Remote Sensing at Institute for Radio Physics, Jodhpur, , , pp. 1-5, 2005.
- Shailendra Sinha, A.K.Agarwal Performance evaluation of a bio-diesel (Rice bran oil methyl ester) fuelled transport diesel engine, SAE Paper No. 2005-01-1730, SAE Special PublicationSP-1978, , , , 2005.
- Shailendra Sinha, Avinash Kumar Agarwal Combustion Characteristics of Rice Bran Oil Derived Biodiesel in a Transportation Diesel Engine, Paper No. 2005-26-354, presented and published in SAE India International Mobility Engineering Congress and Exposition-2005, Chennai, October, 2005, , , , 2005.
- Prof. A.K. Shukla, "Management of Air Pollution due to Vehicular Emission in Growing Metropolitan Cities :A Case study of Lucknow", 2005, , , , 2005.
- Prof. A.K. Shukla, "“Prediction of Traffic Noise by FHWA Model for Indian Cities", 2005, , , , 2005.
- Prof. A.K. Shukla, "“Prediction of Traffic Noise by FHWA Model for Indian Cities", 2005, , , , 2005.
- Prof. A.K. Shukla, "Assesment of traffic noise for various land use in mixed traffic conditions : A case study of Lucknow", 2005, , , , 2005.
- Prof. A.K. Shukla, "Indian Journal of Air pollution Control ", 2005, , , , 2005.
- Prof. A.K. Shukla, "Noise Pollution Status of Metropolitan City Luck now", 2005, , , , 2005.
- Prof. A.K. Shukla, "An Overview of technology & uses of Recycled plastics in Construction", 2005, , , , 2005.
- Prof. A.K. Shukla, "Use of some Industrial Waste in Soil Stabilization : An Overview ", 2005, , , , 2005.
- Prof. A.K. Shukla, Road Developments : Past and Future, 2005, , , , 2005.
- Subodh Wairya , Neelam Srivastava An Overview of Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing in Optical Networking, National Seminar on “Future Broadband, Wireless and Mobile Communication, , , , 2005.
- Subodh Wairya, Neelam Srivastava Wi-Fi why needed and how implemented, organized by IIIT Allahabad, , , , 2005.
- Pathak, V., A comparison of conventional and neural classification for urban mapping, "Indian Surveyor, 59(2), , , , 2005.
- Neelam Srivastava, Subodh Wairya Wi-Fi Why needed and how Implemented, International Conference IIIT Allahabad, , , , 2005.
- Avinash Kumar Agarwal, Shailendra Sinha Mritunjay Kumar Shukla Effect of EGR on the Exhaust Gas Temperature and Exhaust Opacity in an Experimental Diesel Engine, SADHANA - Academy Proceedings In Engineering Sciences, Vol. 29, Part 3, June 2004, , , pp. 275-284, 2004.
- Shailendra Sinha, Avinash Kumar Agarwal Transesterification of vegetable oils and Utilization as a Fuel for Diesel Engine National conference on “Biodiesel for I.C. Engine- Technologies & Strategies for Rural applications, Presented and Published in the Proceedings of National Conference on Biodiesel, held at CIAE Bhopal, December 03-04, 2004, , , , 2004.
- Prof. A.K. Shukla, "Traffic Related Air Pollution for Lucknow Metropolitan City ", 2004, , , , 2004.
- Prof. A.K. Shukla, Development of Traffic Management Strategies for Lucknow, 2004, , , , 2004.
- Prof. A.K. Shukla, "Analysis of Accident Black Spots for 12 Metropolitan City: A case Study", 2004, , , , 2004.
- Prof. A.K. Shukla, "Vehicular Noise Pollution Status in Lucknow ", 2004, , , , 2004.
- Prof. A.K. Shukla, "A Study of Traffic Noise for Various Land Use for Mixed Traffic conditions", 2004, , , , 2004.
- Prof. A.K. Shukla, "Development of Road Infrastructure in Hilly region maintaining Environmental balance", 2004, , , , 2004.
- Prof. A.K. Shukla, "Strategies of Noise Pollution Control on Hill Roads ", 2004, , , , 2004.
- Prof. A.K. Shukla, Safer Roads: Role Of NGOs, 2004, , , , 2004.
- Prof. A.K. Shukla, "Traffic Safety Management For Medium Sized Metropolitan Cities For Indian Scenario", 2004, , , , 2004.
- SakyasinghTripathy, Avinash Kumar Agarwal Shailendra Sinha Mritunjaykumarshukla Effect of EGR on the exhaust gas temperature and exhaust opacity in an experimental diesel engine, Proceedings of the 5th international Petroleum conference, PETROTECH – 2003, Poster Paper No. L090, pp 225, January 2003, , , pp. 225, 2003.
- Avinash Kumar Agarwal, Sanjeev Garg Nitin Kaistha Shailendra Sinha Transesterification of Vegetable Oils for Biodiesel Production: Engine Testing for Performance and Emissions, XVIII National Conference on I C Engines and Combustion organized by Combustion Institute, December 2003, Thiruvananthapuram, , , pp. 571-580, 2003.
- Prof. A.K. Shukla, "Traffic Management and Air Pollution", 2003, , , , 2003.
- Prof. A.K. Shukla, "Traffic Management and Air Pollution ", 2003, , , , 2003.
- Pathak, V., Bhargava, D. S. and Sharma, S. P., GPS Applications in Mapping and Utility Services, Indian Surveyor, 57(2), , , pp. 41-46, 2003.
- Manish Gaur and S P Tripathi, An on the fly algorithm for deciding efficiency preorders, In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technologies, , , pp. Vol 1, 2003.
- Neelam Srivastava, Characterization of Erbium doped Fiber amplifier and its impact on Optical communication Networks, Organized by Northern India Engineering College, Lucknow, , , , 2003.
- D S Yadav, V S Yadav RC Saraswat Maintaining Legal Requirement of Digital Signature through public key cryptographic system, IETE Journal of Education, , , pp. 131-142 , 2003.
- Seethalekshmi K, U. C. Trivedi M. Ramamoorty Technical loss evaluation in distribution feeders, Proc. National Power Systems Conference 2002, , , , 2002.
- Prof. A.K. Shukla, "Environmental Analysis & Modeling of Metropolitan Transport System", 2002, , , , 2002.
- Bhargava, D. S., Pathak, V. and Sharma, S. P., 2002, Counter measures to prevent detection of defense secrets by Remote Sensing techniques, Indian Surveyor,56(1), , , pp. 31-34, 2002.
- Manish Gaur, A talk on deciding efficiency preorders, In Proceedings of International Conference and Instructional Workshop on Industrial Mathematics ICIWIM, , , , 2002.
- Manish Gaur and Shirshu Verma, Switching networks for rural networks, In Proceedings of the National Conference on Telecommunications for Rural India, , , , 2002.
- Seethalekshmi K, U.C. Trivedi M. Ramamoorty Locational pricing under transmission constraints in an interconnected power system, Proc. National Power Systems Conference 2000, , , , 2000.
- Seethalekshmi K, U. C. Trivedi M. Ramamoorty Islanding system for a Captive Power Plant- A Case Study, Proc. National Power Systems Conference 2000, , , , 2000.
- Shailendra Sinha , Rajeev Kumar Kuldeep Sahay B.B. Singh Effective maintenance Strategies for wind Energy Conversion System, National Conference on Wind Energy Commercialization, MACT, Bhopal, March 5-6, 1999, , , , 1999.
- M. S. Singh , Subodh Wairya Computer Application in Simulation Study of Electric Drives, Eighth Annual Conference of Vijnana Parishad of India with Special Theme on Computer Applications in Mathematics, Science and Engineering, , , , 1998.
- Manish Gaur and R B Patel, Industry academia interaction towards increased productivity and better research and development, In Proceedings National Conference on Industry Academia Interaction, , , , 1993.
- Prof. A.K. Shukla, A Pneumatically 8 operated apparatus for testing of soils under repeated loadings, 1987, , , , 1987.