Rapid urbanization and industrialization in Lucknow, the capital city of Uttar Pradesh, have led to a significant increase in wastewater generation, posing challenges to both the environment and public health. This dissertation explores the state of wastewater management in Lucknow, focusing on strategies for recycling and reusing urban wastewater. The study begins by providing an overview of the geographical and demographic context of Lucknow, emphasizing its unique heritage and growing population. It examines the sources of water supply in the cityand highlights the increasing demand for freshwater due to urban expansion. One of the central objectives of this research is to assess the causes and consequences of wastewater generation in Lucknow. It presents data on the volume of sewage generated, existing treatment capacities, and the state of compliance with environmental regulations. The study underscores the disparities between sewage generation and treatment capacity, which have contributed to environmental pollution and public health risks. Furthermore, the dissertation delves into the environmental and health impacts of untreated wastewater. It discusses water pollution, groundwater contamination, and ecosystem effects resulting from irresponsible sewage disposal practices. The relationship between poor wastewater management and the prevalence of waterborne diseases in Lucknow is examined, shedding light on the urgent need for improved sanitation measures. The research also explores various solutions and strategies for effective wastewater management. It discusses the enhancement of wastewater treatment infrastructure, the importance of policy and legislation, and the promotion of safe wastewater reuse and recycling practices. It highlights innovative approaches and ongoing research initiatives aimed at addressing the city's wastewater challenges.
Content Owner / Guide
Year Awarded (Blank if Not Awarded)
Master of Technology
Place of Work
Co Guide (Non IET)
J. B. Srivastava
Roll No
Registration Date
Area of Research
Environmental Engineering