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  1. A Simplified Approach to Telecommunication and Electronic Switching Systems by,C. B. L. Srivastav , Neelam Srivastava , Subodh Kumar Wairya, 318 pages, Dhanpat Rai & Co. , 2006, ,
  2. Elements of Microwave Engineering and its Application,Neelam Srivastava , 250 pages, Dhanpat Rai & Co. , 2003, ,
  3. Project Management,Dr. Shilpi Jauhari , Dr. S.K.Chaturvedi , 233 pages, HIMALAYA PUBLICATION PRIVATE LTD, INDIA , 2012, ISBN : 978-93-5051-749-9,
  4. Recent Trends in Electronics and Communication,Priyanka Singh, Vikrant Varshney, Ankur Kumar, and R. K. Nagaria , 12 pages, Springer Journals Publication , 2020, ,