Barrel shifter is a elementary block of numerous computing systems due to its operation that it can shift and rotate multiple bits in one cycle. The barrel shifter can replace arithmetic and the logical shifters as it uses the rotation of the data. In 2018 Barrel shifters were designed using Adiabatic logic. Adiabatic logic is one of the common technique used to minimize energy loss and it can be used in analog as well as digital logic design. The purpose of this project is to design a Barrel shifter which can consume power less than previous design so I designed a Barrel shifter based on CNFET. I compared performance of barrel shifter with the positive feedback adiabatic logic and pass transistor adiabatic logic and we get Resultant barrel shifter consumes very less power.
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4-bit Barrel Shifter Design using Carbon
Nanotube Field Effect Transistor
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Master of Technology
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