This thesis considers two practical constraints, CR node mobility and non-time-slotted primary user activity for the FD-CRN sensing performance evaluation. The Rayleigh and Nakagami-m distributed fading channels are used to examine the sensing performance. The impact of channel estimation error and RSI on the sensing performance is also studied.
In the thesis, the analysis of non-time-slotted primary activity with CR mobility under the Rayleigh fading environment for FD-CRN is reported. The expressions of the detection and false alarm probabilities are derived considering ED. The analysis is done for both the scenarios, non-CSS and for CSS. The imperfect reporting channel is considered for CSS which is a more practical consideration. It can be seen from the simulation results that the probability of miss-detection is considerably affected by non-time-slotted primary user activity and CR node mobility. Obtained results also conclude that the FD-CRN system outperforms the conventional HD-CRN system.
Further, the FD-CR spectrum sensing analysis considering a generalized Nakagami-m fading channel with imperfect CSI is reported. The analytical expressions of detection and false alarm probabilities are derived considering ED. Both the spectrum sensing scenarios, non-CSS and CSS are considered for the performance evaluation. The impact of shape parameters, imperfect CSI, number of CR user and RSI on the FD-CRN sensing performance is reported.
Finally, the CR node mobility under Nakagami-m distributed fading channels for FD-CRN is studied. As the Nakagami-m distribution is more generalized as compared to Rayleigh distribution, the analytical expressions of detection and false alarm probabilities are obtained with RSI and primary channel fading as Nakagami-m distributed. The impact of CSI error, CR node mobility and shape parameter on the sensing performance is also reported. The obtained results can be easily used to decide the required parameters such as channel estimation error, CR node mobility, fading channel shape parameter and RSI while designing an FD-CRN.
Content Owner / Guide
Throughput optimization of energy efficient cooperative spectrum sensing in cognitive radio network
Year Awarded (Blank if Not Awarded)
Co Guide (IET Only)
Doctor of Philosophy
Place of Work