Rashid Jamal (1705267011)

Multiphysical phenomena are neither new nor rear, it started with human beings. Basically
multiphysics is interdisciplinary term and originate with collaboration of various research
fields. Multiphysical phenomena exist in both form either naturally or manmade in nature.
We breathe in a multiphysics world. Our real life processes from morning to evening are
inherently multiphysics. From electron to atom, atom to galaxies and from amino acid to
living organisms, naturally they interlinked with various physical phenomena which is

Indra Kumar Singh (1705267005)

In this work filtering antenna or filtenna has been designed successfully. filtering antenna
or filtenna is a combination of filter and an antenna to work as a single unit. The antenna
act as a last resonator for the integrated filter. This enhances the bandwidth of the antenna
and also the frequency selectivity improves.
First, the rectangular microstrip patch antenna that is fed with quarter-wave transformer is
designed for 2.45GHz frequency having bandwidth of around 58MHz. Antenna is designed