Displaying 851 - 900 of 1749 publications


  1. Alok Mishra, Divakar Yadav Evading Gratuitous Energy Consumption Due to Activation of Superfluous Nodes in WSN, Inventive Communication and Computational Technologies, , , pp. 1295-1305, 2020.
  2. Surya Bhushan Dubey, Anurag Tripathi Bharti Dwivedi Implementation of smart grid concept in interconnection of micro grid and power grid, International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, , , , 2020.
  3. R.K Singh, Sixth Sense Technology: Life beyond Physical Senses, ,” Electronics for you, pp. 36-38, Feb. 2020, , , pp. 36-38, 2020.
  4. A Singh, Y N Singh and P K Singh Biometric Template Protection using Deep Learning, Advances in Intelligent Systems & Computing, , vol. 1383, pp. 964-974, 2020.
  5. A Agarwal, and Y N Singh Unconstrained Face Recognition using Deep Convolution Networks, International Journal of Information and Computer Security, , vol. 12, pp. 332-348, 2020.
  6. S Srivastava, and Y N Singh Big Social Media Analytics: Applications and Challenges, Computer Networks, Big Data and IoT, Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies, , vol. 66, pp. 239-250, 2020.
  7. Khadim M. Siddiqui , Rafik Ahmad V. K. Giri Kuldeep Sahay Early, Demagnetization Diagnosis in Multiphase PMSM Machine by Advanced MCSA Technique, Computing Algorithms with Applications in Engineering: Proceedings, , , pp. 159-168, 2020.
  8. Anurag Namdev, Amit Telang Rajesh Purohit Study on eco-friendly polyurethane polymer composites, Journal of Green Engineering, , vol. 109, pp. 4626–4638, 2020. DOI : https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57218384690
  9. Anurag Namdev, Amit Telang Rajesh Purohit Ravindra Malviya, RS Rana Tribological and mechanical behavior of alumina particles reinforced LM24 alloy, "Materials Today: Proceedings -Scopus , , vol. 26, pp. 3167-3172, 2020. DOI : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2020.02.653
  10. Abhishek Nigam, S. J. Pawar Structural, magnetic, and antimicrobial properties of zinc doped magnesium ferrite for drug delivery applications, Ceramics International, , vol. 464, pp. 4058-4064, 2020. DOI : 10.1016/j.ceramint.2019.10.243 Impact Factor : 5.532
  11. R.K.Singh, Rao,A.K. N.Srivastava Full-Duplex Wireless Communication in Cognitive Radio Networks: A Survey, Advances in VLSI, Communication, and Signal Processing. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engneering, , vol. 587, , 2020.
  12. A.K.Rao, R.K.Singh N.Srivastava Full-Duplex Wireless Communication in Cognitive Radio Networks: A Survey, Advances in VLSI, Communication, and Signal Processing, , vol. 587, , 2020. DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-32-9775-3_26
  13. Abhishek Nigam, Suryappa J Pawar Synthesis and characterization of ZnO nanoparticles to optimize drug loading and release profile for drug delivery applications, "Materials Today: Proceedings -Scopus , , vol. 262, pp. 2625-2628, 2020. DOI : 10.1016/j.matpr.2020.02.554
  14. Naveen Kumar, Ajaya Bharti Manish Dixit Abhishek Nigam Effect of Powder Metallurgy Process and its Parameters on the Mechanical and Electrical Properties of Copper-Based Materials: Literature Review, Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics , , vol. 597-8, pp. 401-410, 2020. DOI : 10.1007/s11106-020-00174-1 Impact Factor : 0.931
  15. Abhinav Srivastava , Satyendra Singh Implementation of Ant Colony Optimization and Particle Swarm Optimization in Economic Load Dispatch Problem using Renewable source, IEEE Xplore, , , , 2020. DOI : DOI: 10.1109/INDICON49873.2020.9342190
  16. Jyoti Garg, Niharika Varshney Subodh Wairya Comparative study of Magnetic Tunnel Junction based 4T-MRAM, International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology, , vol. 115, pp. 1178-1186, 2020. DOI : 10.34218/IJARET.11.5.2020.128
  17. Rahul Singh, Ram Chandra Singh Chauhan FPGA implementation of Universal Biquadratic filter, International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, , vol. 711, pp. pp40-48, 2020. DOI : http://www.jetir.org/papers/JETIR2011308.pdf
  18. Rahul, Devendra Singh Ajay Kumar Sharma Strength Analysis of Welded Joint Between Lap Joint And ‘L’ Type Joint at Various Bead Thickness Using Ansys, Journal of Xidian University, , vol. VOLUME 14ISSUE 7, pp. 2075-2086, 2020. DOI : https://doi.org/10.37896/jxu14.7/241


  1. Rashid Jamal, Indra Kumar Singh Rajiv Kumar Singh "Development of 2.45 GHz Patch antenna and measurement of SAR over Human head model", International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, , , pp. 221-226, 2019.
  2. Prakhar Shrivastava, Surendr Kuma Rajiv Kumar Ranjan Abhishek Shrivastav , Bindu Priyadarshini PI, PD and PID Controllers using single DVCCTA, springer, , , , 2019. DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/s40998-019-00180-z
  3. Santosh Nanda, Prabal Gupta R.K. Singh H.Pal Thethi and Balpreet Singh, "Discrete Cosine Transform Matrix based SLM Algorithm for OFDM with Diminished PAPR for M-PSK over Different Sub-Carriers", Journal of Computer Networks and Communications, , , pp. 10, 2019. DOI : https://doi.org/10.1155/2019/2893207 Impact Factor : 0.21
  4. Rajiv Kumar Singh, Radhey Lal Ekta Singh "Assessment of Electromagnetic Radiation from Base Station Antenna", International Conference on Advances in Electronics, Electrical & Computational Intelligence ICAEEC-2019, , , , 2019. DOI : https://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3573601
  5. Sunita Singh, Alka Tripathi VK Lal Dhananjay Singh* High performance Liquid Chromatography Analysis Using Rutin Marker and Estimation of Phenolic & Flavonoid Compounds in the Extracts of Indian Medicinal Plant Morus Nigra L.,, Asian Journal of Chemistry, , , pp. 1801-1804, 2019. DOI : DOI: 10.14233/ajchem.2019.22003
  6. Sunita Singh, Alka Tripathi VK Lal Dhananjay Singh* In Vitro Antioxidant Activity and Priliminary Phytochemical Screening of Morus nigra, Der Pharma Chemica, , , pp. 25-30, 2019. DOI : http://www.derpharmachemica.com/archive.html
  7. Singh, Natthan, Jauhar, Sunil Pant, Millie Kumar, Sushil A Fuzzy DEA approach for efficiency analysis: A case study of paper mills in India, KomPlash Tech 2019 XXVI Conference on Computer Methods in Materials Technology. Zakopane, Poland, , , , 2019.
  8. S. S. Sawardekar, S. Nalbalwar S. B. Deosarkar Sachin Singh Real Time River Bridge Monitoring and Alert System using GSM, International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, , , pp. 1153-57, 2019. DOI : https://doi.org/10.26438/ijcse/v7i6.11531157
  9. R.K. Kale, S. L. Nalbalwar S. B. Deosarkar Sachin Singh. Leakage Detection in Underground Gas Pipeline, International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, , , pp. 732-736, 2019. DOI : https://doi.org/10.26438/ijcse/v7i6.732736
  10. Priyanka Shakya, RCS Chauhan Realization of optimized CORDIC core for implementing sine and cosine operators, International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, , , pp. 3738-3742, 2019.
  11. Brahma Nand Agrawal, Shailendra Sinha Andrey V. Kuzmin Valeriya A. Pinchuk Effect of vegetable oil share on combustion characteristics and thermal efficiency of diesel engine fueled with different blends, Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, Volume 14, December 2019, , , , 2019. DOI : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tsep.2019.100404
  12. Shweta, Nand Kishor Kjetil Uhlen Soumya Ranjan Mohanty Detecting instant of multiple faults on Transmission Line and its types Using Time-Frequency analysis, IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, , , pp. 5248-5256, 2019. DOI : 10.1049/iet-gtd.2018.5572 Impact Factor : 2.213
  13. Nikita Gupta, Seethalekshmi K Review of Analyzing Techniques in Technical Challenges related to Distributed Generation, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research , , , pp. Volume 14, Number 2, 2019 (Special Issue) , 2019.
  14. Preeti Verma, Seethalekshmi K. Bharti Dwivedi Key Issues and Challenges in Generation, Integration and Control of Offshore Wind Energy Conversion System, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, , , pp. Volume 14, Number 2, 2019 (Special Issue) , 2019.
  15. Kamal Singh, Anjanee Kumar Mishra Bhim Singh Kuldeep Sahay Solar Powered Battery Charging System for Light Electric Vehicles, International conference on computing, power and communication technologies , , , pp. 6, 2019.
  16. Deepak Kumar Prasad, Preeti Verma Seethalekshmi K Analysis of Small Signal and Transient Stability under the Penetration of DFIG Integrated Wind Energy Conversion System, 6th IEEE Uttar Pradesh Section International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering, , , , 2019.
  17. Pankhuri Kishore, Stuti Shukla Seethalekshmi K Statistical Assessment of Particle Swarm Based Optimization Technique applied to Power System State Estimation Considering Missing and Infringed Data, International Conference on Energy, Environment and Material Sciences, , , pp. MMMUT Gorakhpur (UP), December 01-03, 2019, 2019.
  18. Debasish Das, Rajeev Verma Vipul Pathak Plasma Sprayed WC-12%Co-Coatings for TBC Applications on Diesel Engine Piston, International Journal of Surface Engineering and Interdisciplinary Materials Science, , , , 2019. DOI : DOI: 10.4018/IJSEIMS.2019010103
  19. Nikita Gupta, Seethalekshmi K A Comparative Study of Different Control Algorithm used in Unified Power Flow Conditioner (UPQC) for Power Quality (PQ) Improvement, National conference on Smart Energy Systems, , , , 2019.
  20. Preeti Verma, Seethalekshmi K Bharti Dwivedi A new-fangled Series Resonance Bridge Fault Current Limiter Approach with Fuzzy Logic Controller to Enhance the Fault Ride Through Capabilitie, National conference on Smart Energy Systems, , , , 2019.
  21. DR. MANISH SHARMA, PROF. SOMESH K SHUKLA Beginning of Consolidation in Indian Banking Sector: Measuring Operating Feasibility against Standard Benchmark: A Case Study of HDFC Bank Acquisition of Centurion Bank of Punjab, FMIR, ARMG Publication, Ukraine – Volume 3, Issue 1, , , , pp. 5-17, 2019.
  22. DR. MANISH SHARMA, MOHD AL NAJJAR Cross Border Acquisition of JLR: A Boon or Pain for Tata Motors, Scopus ABDC Journal JIBE - JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS, , , pp. 21-50, 2019. DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.18374/JIBE-19-2.3
  23. Chandra Kumar Dubey, Anand Kumar Singh Shailendra Sinha Effect of Perforation Shapes on the Heat Transfer Characteristic of Perforated Fins, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, , , pp. 1394-1400, 2019. Impact Factor : 5.92
  24. PROF V.B.SINGH, DR. MANISH SHARMA Analysis of Key Factors of Employee Retention: A Study of Selected Organized Retailer in Lucknow, SAJMS- South Asia Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies– Volume 5, Issue 4, , , , pp. 31-43, 2019. Impact Factor : 2.246
  25. Devendra Singh, Ajay Kumar Sharma Parameters Affecting the Performance of Single Basin Solar Distillation with Parabolic Reflector: A Detailed Review, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, , , pp. 012086, 2019. DOI : doi:10.1088
  26. Mahima Shanker Pandey, Sudhir Singh Soam Surya Prakash Tripathi Recognition of X-rays bones: Challenges in the Past, Present and Future, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, , , pp. 1958-1966, 2019. Impact Factor : 5.54
  27. Ankit Vishwakarma, Anjali Rai Seismic Analysis of Steel Frame with Bracings using Response Spectrum Method, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovation Research, , , pp. 109-117, 2019. Impact Factor : 5.87
  28. Ankit Vishwakarma, Anjali Rai Comparative Study of Steel Frame with Different Types of Bracings using response spectrum method, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovation Research, , , pp. 331-337, 2019. Impact Factor : 5.87
  29. Mahima Shanker Pandey, Sudhir Singh Soam Surya Prakash Tripathi Computerized gender determination from human sternum& manubrium X-Ray Measurements, 2019, , , pp. 2686-2692, 2019. DOI : http://www.warse.org/IJATCSE/static/pdf/file/ijatcse01862019.pdf
  30. Rakesh Prasad, Devendra Singh Ajay Sharma An Experimental and Statistical Analysis of Double Slope Single Basin Solar Still in Active and Passive Mode with Different Water Depth, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, , , pp. 012090, 2019. DOI : doi:10.1088
  32. Esha Tripathi, Upendra Kumar Surya Prakash Tripathi Automated Image Splicing Detection using Texture based Feature Criterion and Fuzzy Support Vector Machine based Classifier, International Conference on Cutting-edge Technologies in Engineering IEEE Conference 2019, , , pp. 81-86, 2019.