Room Number: ASD-207
Lab Faculty: Prof. A.K. Katiyar, Prof. O. P. Singh, Dr. Santosh K. Singh, Dr. Desh Deepak Tiwari
Lab Assistant: Mr. Gulam Jilani
Lab Instructor: Mr Nishakant Mishra
Courses Covered
Physics (Practical)
Course Code: KAS-101/KAS-201
List of Experiment
- To determine the wavelength of monochromatic light (sodium light) by Newton’s Ring apparatus.
- To determine the wavelength of a monochromatic light (sodium light) with the help of Fresnel’s Bi-prism.
- To determine the wavelength of different spectral lines of mercury light using plane transmission grating.
- To determine the specific rotation of cane sugar solution using biquartz polarimeter.
- To determine the focal length of the combination of two lenses separated by a distance, and to verify the formula for the focal length of combination of lenses.
- To determine resistance per unit length and resistance of the given wire using Carey Foster’s Bridge.
- To determine electro-chemical equivalent (E.C.E.) of copper.
- To verify Stefan’s law (E=σT4) by electric method.
- To study the variation of magnetic field with distance along the axis of a current carrying coil and then to estimate the radius of the coil.
- To determine the coefficient of viscosity of a given liquid by rotating cylinder method.
Proposed Experiments to be installed
1.To determine the wavelength of He-Ne laser light using single slit diffraction.
2.To draw hysteresis (B-H curve) of a specimen in the form of a transformer and to determine its hysteresis loss.
3.To measure attenuation in an optical fiber.