Lab Area: 990 Sqfeet
Room Number: EC 108
Lab Faculty: Er. Kriti Prakash (Research Scholar)
Lab Assistant: Mr. Kunwar Singh
Lab Assistant: Ms. Anjali Mishra
Lab Staff: Mr. Ashish Kumar
Courses Covered
- KEC 353 Network Analysis & Synthesis Lab_2019
- IEC 453 Network Analysis & Synthesis Lab_2023
KEC353_Network Analysis & Synthesis Lab_2019
IEC453_Network Analysis & Synthesis Lab_2023
List Of Experiments
KEC353_Network Analysis & Synthesis Lab_2019
1. Verification of Kirchhoff’s laws.
2. Verification of Superposition theorem.
3. Verification of Thevenin’s Theorem and Maximum power transfer theorem.
4. Verification of Tallegen's theorem.
5. Measurement of power and power factor in a single phase AC series inductive circuit and study improvement of power factor using capacitor.
6. Study the phenomenon of resonance in an RLC series circuit and obtain resonant frequency.
7. Determination of parameters of AC single phase series RLC circuit.
8. To find poles and zeros of immittance function.
9. Design and find cut-off frequency of low pass and high pass filters.
10. Design and find the pass band frequencies of band pass filters.
11. Design and find the stop band frequencies of band-reject filters.