The behavior and properties of structural materials, e.g. concrete, can be better understood by detailed, well-designed, first hand experience with these materials. The students will become familiar with the nature and properties of these materials by conducting laboratory tests. These tests have been selected to illustrate the basic properties and methods of testing of cement, aggregates, paste, mortar, concrete. Test procedures, sometimes simplified because of time limitation, are mostly those outlined by the Indian Standards.
1.Testing of cement: Consistency, fineness, setting time, Specific Gravity, Soundness and strength.
2. Testing of fine aggregate: Specific Gravity, sieve analysis and zoning, bulking of fine aggregate, bulk density, silt content.
3. Testing of coarse aggregate: Specific Gravity, sieve analysis, bulk density, flakiness index, elongation index, water absorption & moisture content, soundness of aggregate.
4. Concrete Mix design by ACI 211.1-91 method, IS code method as per 10262- 2007 & 456-2000, DOE method
5. Tests on Concrete- Workability tests – Slump cone test, compaction factor test, Vee-bee consistometer test, flow table test, strength tests- compressive strength, flexural strength, split tensile strength.
6. Effects of Admixture - Accelerator, Retarder, Super Plasticizer.
7. Nondestructive Testing - Rebound Hammer test, Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity test